–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

Just a Word of Caution for everyone

Just a word of caution for everyone.

There are a lot of people out there today that are saying a lot of things. I read that some so-called religious man said that he was already talking to Jesus in His person. What a load of dung that is! Right. Every so-called higher critic and so-called bible scholar and thumper that can is getting on FaceBook or some other form of media and that are spouting nothing but lies and rumors and soothsayings. They are all whoremongers. Gossipers and spreaders of dung that unfortunately so many that call themselves Christians are believing it and are in real trouble. Remember Jesus said that in the last days there would be men coming saying they are from the Lord when they are not. Yes, we are in the last days but not today, and not anytime very soon. We are only about 20-25 years into the fifth Trump so it is far from that actual end. It is Written in 2 Thesolianians: 2:3— “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” Read verses 4-8 for yourself. It talks about Satan and all that he is doing and has done. He is the father of lies and he has and will deceive anyone who will surrender their will to him and follow him. Just as one-third of the angels in heaven did in the first earth age. But here is the clincher as to why all these so-called prophets of prognostications of false doctrines and lies are WRONG.2 Thes, says it “The false christ cannot return until that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.”Satan is that man of sin and he is the son of perdition because he is the only entity in the bible by name that has already been sentenced to death in Eze. chapter 28. The word perdition means to perish! He is the only one already sentenced to perish by fire from within. So, until you actually see him here on the earth in his spiritual body proclaiming to be Jesus Christ, do not be alarmed. Be a Watchman!!! Yes, we are in the falling away and it is not complete. As it progresses it will get so vile and so bad that you will not be able to believe what you are seeing. There will be greater famine and all kinds of shortages of food and every necessity that we humans need to just survive and it will cost so much money that the average person can not afford to buy a loaf of bread. Prepare, prapare, prapar. A good Christian prepares for what is ahead and they know what is ahead by being a WATCHMAN! Also by listening to your teacher!