–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

Welcome to Elohim Vineyards Church

We invite you to use our online ministry to study the scriptures and ask questions. We will provide answers the best we can and as soon as possible. Study lessons will be posted approximately every month. We utilize a somewhat different method of teaching. We use the King James version of the Bible and the KJV Companion Bible, the  Strong’s Concordance, along with other study tools such as the Greens Interlinear Bible which contains one of the oldest manuscripts in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The Webster’s Dictionary and the Edgar J. Goodspeed Apocrypha when it adds clarification. We also use the  Pictorial Bible Dictionary. We study chapter by chapter, verse by verse and sometimes word for word thus gaining a complete understanding of the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.  It is our hope that you will find new insights and revelations that will cause you to want to seek the truth as God has written it.

Each of the above study tools, except the Pictorial Bible dictionary, is directly tied to the KJV bible, which directly ties them to the manuscripts and the major Mossarah and the minor Mossarah. These tools collectively correct and backup the scriptures so that there can be no misinterpretation.  If you utilize any other bible version, you will experience difficulty studying with us. 

Thank you for joining us,

Pastor Marvin Cape 

Study Session
Pastor Marvin Cape
Prayer Request

an online ministry

Elohim Vineyards is not affiliated with any denomination and it is a totally independent and/or non-denominational.

Elohim Vineyards Church was established on Sept. 12, 1993 and is a corporation  in good standing with the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Questions / Answers

Please do not ask questions about any church, pastor, person, or denomination.  

Please keep your questions as short and direct to the point as possible. Giving  your name is not required. If you do give your name, please use only a first name or a nickname. You privacy and anonymity is very important to us and will be protected at all costs. Any communication you have with us will never be published in any form and all correspondence with us from and to you will be only from and to you.