–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

The Prayer of Manasseh

This is a short prayer written by one of the worst, most evil men that ever lived. He was once the King of Judah. (Judah is AKA Jerusalem).  He was the most Idolatrous king that Judah ever had. Read about him in 2 Kings 21:1-18—33:1-9.

You can also read about him in 2 Chronicles 33:11-13.Where he was taken captive by the Assyrians. While he was a prisoner he prayed for mercy. He was eventually freed and returned to his throne as King of Judah. At this point in his life he turned from his evil Idolatrous ways 2 Chronicles 33:15-17. This prayer has been printed in the Latin Vulgate Scrolls. A century later Martin Luther included it in his 74-book translation of the bible into German. It is part of the 1537 Mathew Bible and the 1599 Geneva Bible. It is also in the Apocrypha of the King James Bible, the Septuagint, the Codex Alexandrinus and the 1979 US Book of Common Prayer, used by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America and is a daily prayer in Church of England.  The prayer is and was and has been widely used in Orthodox Christian Churches, The Byzantine Catholic Services reading in the office of readings. The prayer appears in ancient Syriac, Old Slavic, Ethiopic, and American translations, in the Ethiopian Bible,. The Prayer is found in 2 Chronicles.

King Manasseh repented and became a devout follower of God the Creator and believed in Jesu Christ of Nazareth as Lord and Savior. This is one of the most poignant prayers ever written and is among a handful like it in the history of the church.

The Prayer of Manasseh 

O Lord Almighty,
God of our ancestors,
of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob
and of their righteous offspring;
you who made heaven and earth
with all their order;
who shackled the sea by your word of command,
who confined the deep
and sealed it with your terrible and glorious name;
at whom all things shudder,
and tremble before your power,
for your glorious splendor cannot be borne,
and the wrath of your threat to sinners is unendurable;
yet immeasurable and unsearchable
is your promised mercy,
for you are the Lord Most High,
of great compassion, long-suffering, and very merciful,
and you relent at human suffering.
O Lord, according to your great goodness
you have promised repentance and forgiveness
to those who have sinned against you,
and in the multitude of your mercies
you have appointed repentance for sinners,
so that they may be saved.
Therefore you, O Lord, God of the righteous,
have not appointed repentance for the righteous,
for Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, who did not sin against you,
but you have appointed repentance for me, who am a sinner.

For the sins I have committed are more in number than the sand of the sea;
my transgressions are multiplied, O Lord, they are multiplied!
I am not worthy to look up and see the height of heaven
because of the multitude of my iniquities.
10 I am weighted down with many an iron fetter,
so that I am rejected because of my sins,
and I have no relief;
for I have provoked your wrath
and have done what is evil in your sight,
setting up abominations and multiplying offences.

11 And now I bend the knee of my heart,
imploring you for your kindness.
12 I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned,
and I acknowledge my transgressions.
13 I earnestly implore you,
forgive me, O Lord, forgive me!
Do not destroy me with my transgressions!
Do not be angry with me forever or store up evil for me;
do not condemn me to the depths of the earth.
For you, O Lord, are the God of those who repent,
14 and in me you will manifest your goodness;
for, unworthy as I am, you will save me according to your great mercy,
15 and I will praise you continually all the days of my life.
For all the host of heaven sings your praise,
and yours is the glory forever. Amen.

If a man like Manasseh can find salvation and ask for forgiveness, and get it!  Then SO CAN YOU!

All you have to do is ask Jesus into your heart and start living your life as an example of how Jesus lived His life while here on earth. God humbled Himself and came here to this earth and allowed Himself to be born a little baby. His mom was only about 15 or 16 years old and the man that God selected to use to help His mom raise him is named Joseph a simple carpenter. He spent His formative years with is family but at the age of 13 He went into the Temple in JeursaHis His family. But at the tender age of 13 years old He went into the Temple in Jerusalem and read the Holy Scriptures to the Priest there and taught them as one who had great wisdom. They marveled at Him and His knowledge and asked who is this child that is so bold as to teach us? His mom and earthly guardian step father were on their way home when they finally missed him. They had to go back to Jerusalem and there they saw Him in the Temple teaching. They knew who He was but did not tell anyone. When His mom said to Him come along Jesus, He turned to her and said I Must be about My Fathers business. Luke 2:49 KJV.

They returned home and if you listen to most teachers of the Written Word, they will tell you that nothing is known about Him after that until He appeared on the scene at about the age of 30 or so preaching and ministering to the people. He was raising the dead and walking on water. So, where was He from 13 to 30?  If you go to your Bible Dictionary and look up Joseph of Arimathea, you will find that He was the great Uncle of Jesus. So, Jesus went to England at age 13 and pretty much stayed there with his very wealthy great Uncle Joseph who owned tin mines all over England. When you got to Glastonbury England even today you will see all over that part of England you will see pictures hanging on the walls most everywhere you go. The picture depicts a young man about 13 years old standing in the front portion of a small boat with a man sitting in the center section with a servant rowing the boat. That young man in the front of the boat is Jesus. Yes He spent the so called lost years with His Great Uncle learning to mine tin and produce it and sell it all over the world. Jesus’s family were not poor as most Christians are taught to believe. They were in fact well of citizens.

When He was ready and mature He returned to His home and started His ministry here on earth as Jesus the Christ the Savior. The word Christ in Greek is Christos and it means the Anointed one. God’s real name is YHVH or if you insert the vowels you get Yahaveh or I am that I am. ehye aser ehye, pronounced eyah asha eyah. The etymology of His name is that of gently rubbing the oil of our people, Olive Oil, into your body. God’s  NAME IS NOT YHWEH, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER SAY GOD’S NAME AS YAHEWH, IT IS AN ABOMINATION. His Son’s real name is Yeshuah. And it means: Jesus Christ God’s Savior Son of God.

No one can force or manipulate you into believing in Him as Savior and starting to live your life as a Christ Man or Christ like. It is your free will choice. When the last soul is born into life as a human being that is when this thing called life ends.  It is appointed to man once to be born and once to die. Humans will do anything and everything to cling to this thing called life. They will spend every dome that they have to try and stay alive. Some even try to become immortal on their own by freezing their bodies for resuscitation later to come back to life or to try and clone themselves so they can continue to live. It is horrible and it is sick what people will do to try and stay alive and the amounts of money they will spend to try to do that.

They do not understand that they do not have to do things like that to stay alive. Listen to me!!! Not one single entity has ever died as of right this instant and never will until after the Great White Throne Judgment when God Himself will judge people that do not make it to be thrown into the Lake of Fire and be consumed and the smoke from their bodies will go up before God forever and ever. All they have to do to attain eternal life is believe on Jesu Christ as their Savior and that He is the Sin of God.

When God created you IN the Beginning, He made you immortal. And you still are! Only God can kill a spiritual entity. Only then can anyone actually die. Your physical flesh body will die for sure but I am speaking of your spiritual body. Your spiritual body has been alive ever since God created you in the beginning and it is still alive today within your flesh body. It cannot die until God kills it!!!!

This earth is billions of years old and so am I!!!!!

Please do not die in a Mortal body; you might just end up going up in smoke for all eternity.