–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

Hell Fire and Damnation

Hell Fire and Damnation

My Children are Just a Little bit Sottish!

I want to talk to you about that old subject that no one wants to talk about, and no one seems to understand what it is, where it is, and when it becomes.

First of all, Hell does not exist as of yet. And it will not exist until God sets it in place. Ezekiel 28 tells you a lot about Hell if you understand what it says.

Now certain religions and people that call themselves Christian but are, in fact, NOT! You see, they go to a certain church that tells them they are Christians, and they believe their pastor and go home and tells everyone they are Christians. To be a real Christian is a way of life, and you can’t: Lie, cheat and steal all week and go to church on Sunday morning and sing a couple of songs and listen to some man get up and expound secular principles and theories based on a set of lies and myths and say Amen and then go home to fat and calories and eat like a hog and get fat and lazy and take everything for granted they your pastor has told you the truth and that you are a Christian and you are going to be RAPTURED out of this mess and go to heaven and watch old uncle Harvey that was so mean and crooked that he took everyone’s money from them burn in HELL FIRE and be in Damnation while they look on a clap and say my aren’t we having fun! P.S. There is no Rapture!!!!

A person attends a certain church. They do the normal things like sing and preach and pass the plate and then the dreaded WE NEED MORE MONEY-WE NEED MORE  MONEY, WE NEED MORE MONEY. It never stops give till you drop! Your pockets are already empty, and you have already robbed the kid’s college fund. Where do you get MORE MONEY? The preacher says we have an ATM. We can take your credit card. Where does it stop???? Well, the buck stops here. Yes, it takes money to run a business, and that is what a church is a business dedicated to the service of our Lord and Savior, and to Shepherd, it’s SHEEP. Yes, a pastor is nothing more than a sheep herder and protector. So many churches get into debt or buy things they could really do without. A good pastor will never ask anyone for money. I once went to a church where the men of the congregation were always slipping $10.00 and $20.00 bills in the pastor’s suit coat pockets. Jesus sent out the 70 and told them not to take a purse or script with them. Luke 9:3.

You might wonder why I am writing all this when the title is Hell Fire and Damnation because this is the norm for so-called Christians today. They are so blinded and so sottish. Jeremiah 4:22 “For My people are fools; they have not known Me, They are Sottish children.” The word Sottish means stupid or dumb. Now, remember I did not say that; God did, so if you are offended, please take it up with Him. Dumb and stupid because they do not know HIM!!!! People that attend these so-called secular churches today do not know HIM! You have to get personal with Him to get to know HIM. You have to become intimate with Him. It is just exactly like being married to him, except, for now, he is not your husband. He eventually will be your husband, but that is another story for another time.

So what is HELL and where is it, and when does it start?

Now I am going to start explaining what this scripture means:

King James Version   Revelation 20:6-15

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Death into your spiritual body is a form of resurrection.

When you die, you go straight to Paradise. Read about Paradise in Luke16. There are 2 sides to Paradise. One is the right side, and if you go there, you are safe, you are in eternity, and your soul is immortal. Ecclesiastes 12:7 KJV “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. ”So God sends our spirit/soul into the embryo in your mother’s womb at the moment of conception and when you die, your soul/spirit returns back to Him. You are not out there someplace in a hole in the ground! You return instantly to God, your heavenly Father. You go to one side or the other of Paradise where you stay for one thousand years.

There are two sides to paradise, a good side, and a bad or wrong side. Read Luke chapter 16. The poor beggar was hugging Abraham. The rich man looked up and thought he was in hell because he had not been a good man and he always had people serving him. Saying that he was in hell was his state of mind. He was absolutely miserable and he wanted Jesus to send someone back from the dead. But God had already done that and they still did not believe.

The Word tells us that we must put on immortality 1 Corinthians 15:53-55. “For this corruptible must put on the incorruptible and this mortal must put on immortality”

If you die and go to the wrong side of Paradise, your soul is MORTAL. The word mortal means Liable to die! You are still subject to spiritual death. You are dead physically but you are alive spiritually. You will remain in your MORTAL soul for the millennium. After that, you will be judged, and if you make it, you might be allowed to go to the right side of Paradise and become an Immortal soul and be in eternity. If you do not make it, you will go directly to the lake of fire and your spiritual body will die and go up in smoke forever and ever. This is the second death.

If you die in the flesh and you make it to the right side of Paradise, your spiritual body has put on immortality and you can never die.

Am I saying that some souls get a second chance? Absolutely not; there are no second chances. But here’s the thing! With what these so-called churches are teaching, so many people never hear the truth taught, so they never have a first chance. It is only those that never heard the truth of the gospel taught that can believe and accept Jesus as their Savior and make it to the right side of Paradise and escape the flames of the lake of fire. That is what the Zadok or the elect do during the one thousand years, is teach the Gospel. Read Ezekiel 13:20. In Ezekiel 44:25 it says that one of the elect can go teach a mother, father, sister unmarried or a brother if they ended up on the wrong side of Paradise so maybe you can help them to see that they made a terrible mistake and they need to listen and repent and maybe get out of prison at the Great White Throne Judgment. That is if they never heard the truth taught while they were alive on earth. Remember no second chances!

And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.

There is a one-thousand-year period of time after the sixth trump and at the start of the seventh trump. It is a time for the Zadok, which are God’s elect to teach all those that did not make it in the first resurrection. All these people are on the wrong side of the Gulf. You can read about the Gulf in Luke chapter 16. It is a place where all the dead go after they die. It is called Paradise, and it has two sides. One is for all those that made it, and the other is for all those that did not make it. Now some did not make it because they never heard the truth of the Gospel of Christ, and if they never heard it, then they are going to get a chance to hear it from the Zadok. This is not a second chance; it is a first chance. Why you ask? Because of what is taught in the churches today, people never get the first chance to hear the truth taught. God is fair; He will always give everyone an equal chance. After the crucifixion, Christ rose immediately and went to the wrong side of Paradise and preached to those in captivity there, and many believed and were released to go to the right side of Paradise. (These are those that died before Christ offered everyone Salvation through the cross and His shed blood. Did some not listen and accept Christ as their Savior? Evidently! They will not get another chance they had their first chance, and they blew it!

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

Satan is released out of his prison, and he goes forth, trying to see who he can deceive. God fights the battles of Gog and Magog and Armageddon and defeats the enemy in about 10 seconds, and both battles are over before they start.

And they went up on the breadth of the earth and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: (Jerusalem) and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.

They encompassed the saints. But God sent fire down and devoured them.

10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.

The Devil, the Beast, and the False Prophet were cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where they are tormented day and night forever and ever.

This is where the tormenting day and night forever and ever thought comes from. Now listen, use some common sense here! First of all, the Devil is a spiritual entity and never was born in the flesh. The Beast and the False Prophet are not beings; they are offices of Satan for the New World Order. So in actuality, it is only Satan that is thrown into the Lake of Fire at this time, and think about it. To be burned up and only smoke goes up forever and ever! To be cut off from God is torture forever and ever.

So this is where the Hell I opened for the first time. When God opens it!!!!

11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.


This is God!

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

And now all stand before God. This is after the millennium.

And the books were opened! What books? The books of LIFE, The Bible, where your name is written in and everything about your life is in there. The dead were judged! These are the spiritually dead, meaning all those that went to the wrong side of the Gulf. When one dies, if they do not make it to the right side of the Gulf, they go to the wrong side of the Gulf, and they are spiritually dead until they are judged according to their works! They have Mortal souls, meaning they are liable to die. (If they do not pass judgment and make it to the right side of the Gulf)

13 And the sea( Meaning the people, the word water(s) means people) gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. This does not mean people that drowned in the sea!

This is just a way of saying all are judged, every man according to his works.

Let me make it clear here. A person makes it into heaven based on their belief in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord God, John 3:16. Works have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. Works are about Rewards such as crowns and jewels and silver and gold and precious stones and other beautiful things that are in heaven, and depending on your works, you will get your reward. Your works also determine how much linen you have to make your white robe out of and how much of your body is covered in heaven. A lot of good works will get you a really nice white robe!  Also, Good works cover a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8.

14 And death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Death is Satan; He is in the Fire. Hell is for those that still choose to follow Satan after the millennium.

15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

The idea that old Uncle Charlie is going to be hanging there out in the fire that burns forever and ever is absolutely ludicrous and just really plain stupid. Really, is this you’re your idea of heaven? If so, I do not want to be there with you! Remember God said that His children are just a little bit stupid. Well, He is absolutely correct.

People always remember, first and foremost, God loves you. He is your heavenly Father. He gave you life “In the Beginning,” and He gave you “life here on this earth.” That’s right, God is your true Father twice removed. He created you and placed you on this planet earth as spiritual entities at some point in time. It seems that that time was billions and billions of years ago. You lived along with probably about 14 billion other entities on this planet earth for all those billions and billions of years. He loved you enjoyed you, and took care of you. He watched you play and get into trouble and build cities and make all kinds of things like electric lights and lasers that can cut rock like it was hot butter. He watched you use the power of Levitation to move massive stones weighing thousands of pounds. He watched you build massive space ships that ran off of sheer energy that was pulled from the atmosphere. No, I am not in the twilight zone. All these things seemingly existed in the first earth age. Our earth bears all this out if you know where to look for it! But that is another lesson for another time! Now just because your Father God created you and placed you on His planet earth does not mean that all of the entities that He created “In the Beginning” were good children. He gave every child that he created free will except for His Elect. These are a small group of about 7,000 that He set aside for His personal use, and they do not have free will. But some of those other children are pretty bad seeds. God did not create them that way, but because He gave them free will, they chose to become that way. A Cherub that was a really hard worker worked his way all the way up to the Cherub that covereth. Ezekiel 28:14.The throne of God had to be protected because some of those self-willed entities could be pretty mean and very dangerous. So, God needed the protection of two Cherubs guarding His Mercy seat. One day this one Cherub decided that He wanted to sit on the Mercy seat, so he talked to his buddies, and they decided to band together and try and overthrow the reigning Monarch, God. There was a small group that gathered around God’s throne and linked arms together and fought this Cherub until they defeated him.

Some of the 14 billion entities were playing sports and told the defenders of the throne to leave them out of the battle; they were too busy, that was about 4 billion entities. Another 6 billion were fishing and were too involved in their fishing to be bothered by some battle for the throne of God. Then there were the other 5 billion entities that were bar B/Qing on their patios and said that it was time to eat, so leave them out of the fight. By the time the sentries all got back, the battle was over, and God and His chosen had won the day; all the other entities missed the battle and were left out in the cold when God claimed His bride. So, there you have it. They simply do not care!!!!

Does this sound like today? Too busy, not interested, too lazy, going fishing, playing pool, bar B/Qing, eating dinner, going to the lake, Don’t bother me, I’m busy.

The ten virgins found out the hard way that if you do not have enough oil (The Word of God), you will not enter the kingdom of heaven!

Hell is real, and it is forever.

Do you have time?

There is a book in the bible. It is the book of Ezra. He was the man that God used to bring the captives out from Babylon after they were released. I will write more on this in another lesson.

So, why did I mention him?

Because there is also a book named Esdras, which is the same man but with his name in a different language. Ezra is Hebrew. Esdras is Greek.  So, Esdras also has a book in the Apocrypha.

Now the Apocrypha is a bible that contains several books that were originally in the KJV bible and also the Latin Vulgate edition which is most commonly referred to as the Catholic bible. It is also known as the Septuagint Bible.

Without further explanations, the Apocrypha bible is a good work and has valuable information in it that is often helpful to the layperson in their studies. There are a number of Apocrypha’s out there and some are better than others. If you choose to purchase one, I suggest the Goodspeed Apocrypha by Edgar Goodspeed.

I said all that to say this: In 2nd Esdras chapter 9 verses 15-16- forward is a narrative about the end times and what is going to happen to the souls that have died and are seeking entrance into heaven. It is quite long and involved so I will only quote a small portion of the chapter.

One man is speaking to another man.


They speak:

I said before, and I say now, and will say again, there are more that PERISH than will be saved, as a wave is greater than a drop of water”

Now that’s a sad commentary!!! More will be lost than saved! If one ever thought about their salvation, this should shock the pants off of them! Don’t wait until it is too late.