–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

Every evil and unsaved person.

Malachi 4:6

“And he will turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the hearts of the children back to their fathers.NOTICE, there are 2 fathers. One is Satan and the other is Christ.”In other words, He is their Rock and Christ is our Rock. Tyrus is a real place in Lebanon. Tyre or Tyrus was a great Phonecian city that reigned over the seas and was a great seaport for trading in slaves and other contraband with its leader called their ROCK named Satan. He was once King Tyrus when as stated in verse 2 He wanted to sit on the seat in the midst of the seas.  of GOD. Yet he was only a man! And he was demoted to the seat of Prince and he was no longer king. V3 He set his heart as the heart of God and wanted to be God. Christ says that he is smarter than Daniel and that he has great wisdom and has gotten riches (from Tyre) which means the world! It has been by his great wisdom that he has accomplished all this. BUT!!! His heart was lifted up because he wanted to sit on the “Mercy Seat” and become God himself and kick the real God off of his rightful Seat. In other words, he sat on one side of God, V14 as the anointed Cherub that covereth. So He sat beside God but he decided that He wanted to be god and sit in the mercy seat of God and become a god himself. God said that He had made Satan the greatest Cherub that He had ever created and that V13 He had given him every covering to make him the most beautiful and richest and powerful of every angel and ark angel and Chrub that The had ever had. V15 God said that Satan was perfect in his ways from the day that thou (He) was created. BUT!! Then “INIQUITY” That means EVIL; was found in thee, or him; meaning in Satan. He had become violent and full of evil, V16. Then God said, I will cast thee out of the mountain of God; This is where God lives so to speak.  and I will destroy thee oh covering Cherub; meaning that he covered the mercy seat of God as a protector and I will cast thee from among the stones of fire. Who or what are the “Stones of Fire” They are you and me, they are all of God’s children. So, Satan was among the Stones of Fire, meaning that even though He was a Cherub he was still only a man. NOTE HERE: I feel it is most important to say that angels are only our brothers and sisters some not born yet and many others have been born and lived human life here on earth and died and are once again angels. A spiritual heavenly body is only a departed or not yet born angel with our Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8 tells us that when we die we are instantly back with our Lord that sent us here to be born as humans and live and die and return to Him. Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 speaks of the “Silver Cord parting” Read it! So, angels are just men and men are just angels. V17-18 Christ says that He will cast Him to the ground and lay Him before kings. He tells Him that He has defiled sanctuaries by the multitude of His iniquities and by the iniquity of His traffic. V 18: THEREFORE Christ will BRING FORTH A FIRE FROM THE MIDST OF THEE, IT SHALL DEVOUR THEE. And I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth.  So, He is going to kill Satan and that is something only God can do. Only He can kill a spiritual being. It is right here that we have to talk about HELL! What is hell and where is it and exactly what happens to people that go to hell and also when does Hell start? All really good questions that people want to know and understand. I will be happy to write about it if anyone out there wants me to. All you have to do is send me a request to do so and I will. You all out there need to know that I do not just sit down and write these messages. I spent hours and days composing them and trying to make sure that I do not mislead you. I was ordained in 1991 and I have spent these years studying and learning and I still study and learn. I am also an author and I have several books that will be coming out later this year and next. I have a young adults series that will be about 12 books in all and I have one novel already at the publishers and one ready to go to the publishers. So, I am very busy writing all the time. So may the good Lord take a liking to you and may you receive the blessings that God has for you. Until next time. Pastor Marvin Cape.  Write ME!