–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –


We are brought to you by your tithes and offerings. We don’t go around asking for donations but we do have overhead costs. Jesus told His disciples to not take a “Beggin bag” or “PURSE” with them when He sent them out.

He also told them that if they asked for food or shelter or a donation to assist in their travels and they refused them, they were to kick the dust off their feet and go to another place where they were wanted. True ministries do not have to beg for money.

The people can see the “Fruit” of their works and know that God has sent them because the ministry feeds them the Word of God and not some hogwash about prosperity or some other religion and if you give this amount you will receive back tenfold. Now God can and sometimes does just that but more often than not He allows us to make our own way. So give if you are blessed by this ministry but if you are not, we wish you well and you can freely partake of what we have to offer you. God blesses a love offering just as much as He does ten percent.

If you are on a fixed income from SSI or some other form of insurance you have no income. What you have is enough to pay for your prescriptions and food and shelter and clothing and other necessities. Always take care of you and yours first and if you have a little left over and you want to bless us with a LOVE offering, we will greatly appreciate it. God loves a cheerful giver and if you give out of your heart, you are a cheerful giver.

Ten percent is always calculated on the net income. That means after the taxes and everything is deducted you pay ten percent on what you actually take home. Never, ever allow some pastor or church tell you that if you give this much or if you buy this “Prayer Shawl” or this so-called “Holy Water” or some other so-called blessed object or if they say that The Lord Spoke to me today and He told me to tell you to write me a check for $1,000.00 and you will receive ten fold back. Please, I implore you God’s children do not allow them to steal your money, They are charlatans and Liars and deceivers.  So, may the good Lord take a liking to you! Amen   

Elohim Vineyards Church
5235 E Southern Av. Ste 106
Mesa, Az. 85206