–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

Children’s Page Age to 10 years

Hey Kidddos,

I would like to talk to you about what to do if strangers try to get you to get into their car or to get you to help them with their puppy or anything. If they are strangers get away from them as fast as you can. There is a story about a young girl that was walking to her home after school and she was approached by a man also walking along the same road as she was. He walked up beside her and asked her where she was going. She had been told not to speak to strangers so she did not speak to him. She kept her head looking straight ahead and kept on walking just as she was doing before the stranger caught up to her.

Even though she said nothing to him he continued talking to her. He asked about her parents who they were and where they were. The young girl said nothing to the stranger. She was starting to get scared. The stranger kept telling the young girl that he had lost his little puppy and asked if she would help him find his little puppy. The young girl’s parents had told her if anyone ever approached her and started talking to her and she did not know them that she should scream out or use her whistle. The young girl was getting really scared but she was very concerned about the man’s little puppy. The man had said that the puppy’s name was Stinker because he was always getting into mischief and making messes. The young girl was getting more and more scared about this strange man. There are not any stories in the bible about scary men trying to tempt young, girls, to do something that sounds really good but will always get them into trouble. But there is a story about a beautiful young maiden working in a vineyard.

Two men walking along the road and saw this beautiful young maiden working and tried to make her do something that she did not want to do. After she ran away from them and refused to do what they asked her to do, the two men went into town and started telling all the people in the town that the young maiden had done exactly what she did not do. The townspeople believed these two men and wanted to put this innocent young maiden to death for what she was accused of doing. They caught the young maiden and had her brought before them. Fortunately, a prophet of God came along and saw what was happening. He asked everyone why they wanted to put this beautiful young maiden to death. They told him that it was because of what the two men had accused her of. He told the townspeople to bring him one of the men and keep the other one hidden so he could not see or hear what he was asking of the one young man. The townspeople did as he requested and brought forth one of the two men. The prophet asked the young man under which tree did this bad deed happen. He answered, under that Oak tree there. The prophet said O.K. and dismissed the first young man. The townspeople brought forth the second young man.

The prophet of God asked the second young man under what tree did the foul deed take place? The young man answered that Sycamore tree there. The Prophet of God said to the townspeople.  People listen to me. I am a prophet sent by God to assist in the daily lives of people here on earth. I say unto you, these two men are lairs and therefore have made wrong claims against this beautiful young maiden. They have attempted to tarnish her reputation and have her killed for doing something that she did not do. First of all, you people should have investigated the claims as I have done. If you had taken the time to investigate instead of taking the word of these two liars you also would have found the truth. Instead, you choose to believe a lie and you could have executed an innocent young maiden. Then you all would have been guilty of first-degree murder.

You all would have been tried and found guilty of first-degree murder and the sentence for that is death. People learn a lesson from this. Never ever judge anyone ever. That is God’s place to judge. He has judged these two young men and found them guilty and it is He that will punish them.    As for the young girl walking down the road towards her home and the evil man is trying to tempt her to do something that she knows better than to not do, she has to take action to prevent the evil man from either kidnapping her or molesting her or some doing another form of evil to her. So, what should she do? She has a whistle! She is around other people? She also has a can of pepper spray. She is also only a few feet from her front door and safety? She can scream? She can run? You choose what you think she should do. In life, it is always your decision to make after you are of age and competent to do it on your own. In the meantime, as you grow up and mature and become responsible young adults, always remember to honor your Father and Mother and also your heavenly Father. Be courteous and polite. If you see an elderly person and you think you can help them in some way gently approach them and ask them if you can help them. It will make your day and theirs too.

Never ever run in front of the elderly. They can’t walk as well and as fast as you so if you do run in front of them you might make them fall and hurt themselves. Yea, I know your brother and your sister, wow what a challenge! Just remember you will always have your brothers and sisters. Your parents will not always be there. You know, it is really O.K. to pray in school.You can pray silently at your desk or anywhere inside the school as long as you pray silently. You can pray outside the school aloud and talk about God and Jesus if you want to and others want to hear what you have to say. The prophet spoke up for the beautiful young maiden and she was innocent. sometimes bad things happen to good people. God does not make these things happen. He does allow us to make our own free will choices and where we are at any given time is totally up to us unless your parents or someone else has directed you to be where you are. Then if something happens to you it is not your fault. You just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. So, be careful out there.

Always remember that God loves you. He might not like or love what you are doing but He will always love you. I mean, after all, He is your Father in Heaven as it was He that created you “In the Beginning” If you are ever touched in the wrong places someone says something that is inappropriate to you or someone else. And especially if you are ever molested sexually please tell an adult that you trust immediately. Young Lady and young men out there something like that is not your fault and you never ever hide it from your parents or your teachers. it is up to you. Remember you always have a free will choice. USE IT !!!! This is Pastor Cape signing off for today. I will return later and write more just to you. May God continue to bless you and keep you in the folds of His perfect arms. He said in Mathew 19:14 “Suffer the Littel children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” you can always go to your Father in heaven in prayer and He will always hear you.