–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

One Earth, One Heaven, Three Eons


“Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My council shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure”.

The word declaring here means to make known. God is saying that He wants to make it known to you that you also must know the beginning from the end. Unless you know the beginning, you cannot possibly know or understand the end.  And it is vital that you understand the end.

So, what and when was the beginning? God’s Written Word declares it in Genesis 1:1. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Now it states there was only one heaven and one earth. Most people want to continue reading and attach the next verse to verse one. The problem with that is, there is a period after the word earth in verse one. Yes, I know that the period is not literally there in the manuscripts because Hebrew is written without punctuation, like periods. None the less, it is there because as you will learn as I continue, that was it for thousand’s and even millions of years. Nothing, nada, God created the heaven and the earth and that was it!

So, what was going on here on earth during all those years?  The truth is because you have to stop at that period, no human actually knows how long God took to create the heaven and the earth. I know you say sure we know how long it took God to create heaven and earth; it is recorded in Genesis chapter one and two. It says it took Him six days and he rested on the seventh day. The event in Genesis chapter one and two is a Recreation event. If you have a problem with that, put it on the shelf for a little while and you will begin to understand as you study along with me. Just a point of information for you, and another lesson at a later time, it actually took eight thousand years or eight days to complete the creation event.

Psalm 104

1. Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.

2. Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:

3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:

4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.

6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.

7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away.

8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.

This gives us a small window into the creation event. God is absolutely majestic and He can take nothing and create out of it something that is awesome and inspiring. He explains to us how He uses His chariot as described in Ezekiel chapter 1 to “walk” upon the wings of the winds. His “Chariot” is described as being made of highly polished bronze and it flew wherever He wanted it to go and even without any wheels attached to the sides of it. And the people went with it when it turned. God sat upon His throne as His chariot went to and fro across the sky.

He tells of creating His children, the angels.  He says that He placed earth where it is to NEVER be removed out of its place forever.  When He says “NEVER” He means “NEVER”. This earth will “NEVER” be removed from where He placed it. He set it on permanent foundations and anchored it to the “beams” of His chambers. He stretched earth out like a scroll that was once rolled up like a curtain but created it to never be removed.

Then something happened: The earth became covered with water as a pillow case covers a pillow. It was totally covered with no light or any warmth or any life. It was dead and darkness was upon it. The water stood above the mountain tops. Earth had become a void, a waste and a vacuity filled with only darkness and evil. Do you understand that darkness is evil? Nighttime and the moon is of the Devil. Was this a worldwide flood? Seems to me like it was! The earth was totally covered with water. This was destruction on a level that is not even imaginable.

He froze the water that covered the earth and caused the ice ages to develop and the ice moved across the face of the earth and carved out great etchings of great monuments across the land. Then he turned the earth upside down and caused it to tilt onto its side about 23.5 degrees and set it into a wobble motion. He covered the sun and the moon as with a blanket and set the planet into total darkness and a deep glooming abyss with Satan and his angels as the chief culprits in this debacle.

But! He did not create it that way, it became that way. To say that God creates anything a void and an absolute mess is degrading to our perfect Father. He only creates that which is perfect.  So, why would anyone want to connect Genesis chapter one verse one with Genesis chapter one verse two? It boggles my mind. God does not create that which is not perfect.  But something happened here at the end of Genesis chapter one, verse one and Genesis chapter one verse two. But what was it?

Continuing with Psalm 104 verse 7. It says at the voice of thunder the flood waters hasted away, the ice melted.  The waters went up by the mountains and down into the valleys to the place where He had made for them to reside within their own boundaries and He set limits as to where they could or could not go.  What has God just told us here? He created something perfect and something happened to ruin it and He had to step in and take charge and RENEW it.

Look at Genesis 1: 28. God told His just created humans to go forth and “REPLENISH” THE EARTH. The earth had been created in the beginning but was ruined by a flood and then renewed by God and a replenishing action was set in motion.

What happened at the end of Genesis chapter one verse one to cause this event to occur? First, I will give you the answer and then the proof. When God created the earth He placed Himself and all His created children on it to live and play and be happy. And, this is just my opinion based on the speculation that to date, approximately as many have already passed through this life as there are currently living on the planet.  My estimate is that 7 billion have lived and died and currently approximately 7 billion are alive living on earth right now. Thus I place the created angelic population at 14 billion. Why do I compare God’s created children to humans living and deceased on earth?  Because that is who we are!!

You and I were/are angels, created in the beginning by our Father God. Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 says. (Paraphrased) When the silver cord parts, or when you die, your spirit which God sent into your flesh body returns to God Who gave it. So, where did your spirit come from? God created it in the beginning. You were/are an angel from the beginning. The flesh body returns to the dust from which it was created and is never to be seen or used ever again. It will not rise from the grave. Your real body, your spirit body “resurrects” at the instant of death as your spirit body returns to your Father who created it and sent it into you flesh body.

1Thesalonians 4:13 “For I would not have you  to be ignorant brethren, concerning them which are asleep”  V14 “For if we believe Jesus died and rose again, even so also them which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him” V15 “we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep” (The word prevent is and old English word that means to go before them, or to precede them) Why? Because they are already there. They resurrected at the death of their flesh bodies.  V16 “ the dead in Christ shall rise first”, again, WHY? Because they are already there. V17 “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” Notice it says we shall meet them, Why? Because they are already there. What does this word clouds mean. It means resurrection or translation from flesh to spirit. This is what happens at the seventh trump. All flesh bodies are changed into spiritual bodies and gathered to the Lord who has returned to earth. So, there is no rapture, the word is not even in the bible. If you believe Christ died and resurrected, and you better or else you are not a Christian, then you also must believe those that have died before us are with Him already. They resurrected at the instant of death.

When you were created in the beginning, you looked exactly like you do in this lifetime. You are put here as an exact duplicate of your true self. I call it as a phantom of yourself. God said, let us make man in our image. That image is you, not God or anyone else. God created you because He wanted one of you and you are the only you that ever has been or ever will be. Thus your spirit is yourself, your intellect and your soul is your spirit body. Here in this life, we have two bodies. One is a mortal flesh body and one is a spirit body that will return to your Father God when your flesh body dies. Mortal means liable to die and your flesh is liable to die and will at some point die. You mortal flesh returns to the dirt from which it is made and is never used or seen ever again. Your spirit body lives on as you enter into the realm of heaven.

We were all angels when God created us in the beginning. And we all lived with God on His created earth in the beginning. We were very happy and everything was perfect. We played with all the dinosaurs and other animals that God had also created to play on earth in what you will come to understand to be known as the FIRST EART AGE. We were not flesh in the first earth age but some other material that evidently is inedible because the dinosaurs did not eat us. The dinosaurs were flesh and did eat each other.

If everything was so great, what happened to spoil it? God gave every child He created free will because He simply did not want a bunch of robots running around saying, love you God, love you God, so He gave each child free will.

There was one child named Lucifer that decided that he wanted to sit on the throne of God and be God. He had worked really hard and he was elevated to the position of the Cherub that covereth. Ezekiel 28:Verses 14 through 19, tells us that Lucifer was absolutely stunning in his beauty and elegance. God said that he had made him the full pattern and had given him everything that he possibly could give Lucifer, except His very own throne. But Lucifer exalted himself and attempted to take God’s throne by force. An enormous battle took place and God and His faithful children fought against who we know better as the Devil and the one third of God’s children that he “drew” with him into the battle against God and His children. Revelation 12:4 “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven”. Stars means God’s children.

God and His children defeated Satan but because of this enormous battle on earth with 14 billion souls involved, earth became what Genesis chapter one, verse two describes. “The earth became without form and void” I know the word used is “was” but it is incorrectly translated. The second Hebrew word in Genesis 1:2 is Strong’s “hayah” meaning to become or come to pass.  With just a slight modification into the correct wording, Genesis 1:2 reads, “And it came to pass that earth became a wasteland, empty and chaotic; and darkness was upon the face of the deep”.

In this battle, there were angels that did not want to get involved, so they stood afar off. Then there were angels that were afraid and they ran. Some of the angels watched and became a cheering section for the other angels but did not get into the battle. Others threw spears and ran. Some shot arrows until they ran out so they simply quit. There were many angels that for whatever reasons either did not get into the battle or simply were too busy to be bothered. My point being that: Some angels stood by the side of and surrounded God and fought right by His side and they are called the elect of God because He knows He can depend on them for whatever He wants from them. Thes angels do not have free will; they live their lives as God directs them to. These angels are known to a degree by us as Moses, Paul, Mathew, Mark, Joshua, Esther, and the list goes on and on. They are special and have been utilized by God down through the ages. One was Jeremiah. God said He knew him before he was in his mother’s womb. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations” Jeremiah is one of the very elect of God Then there are the elect. These stood by but did not participate as much as the very elect, so they are what the written word of God calls the remnant.  Romans 11:4-5 speaks of the remnant.

There has always been a remnant down through the ages. The remnant has always had and taught the truth of the Written Word of God. Not according to the traditions of men or even denominationalism, but the true Word according to chapter and verse upon verse. You can be of the elect if you know that the instead of christ comes at the sixth trump and that he is Satan in person.  If you know that those who claim to be our brother Judah are not and do lie and are of the synagogue of Satan and are called Kenites.

Was there a first earth age, absolutely without any doubt? To teach differently is an abomination.

Let’s see if there is any other biblical evidence to support what is being stated her

Jeremiah 4:23 “

23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.

24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled , and all the hills moved lightly .

25 I beheld , and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled .

26 I beheld , and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.

27 For thus hath the LORD said , The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.

28 For this shall the earth mourn , and the heavens above be black : because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent , neither will I turn back from it.

29 The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen * ; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city shall be forsaken , and not a man dwell therein.

30 And when thou art spoiled , what wilt thou do ? Though thou clothest thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold, though thou rentest thy facea with painting, in vainshalt thou make thyself fair ; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life.

It sounds to me like the prophet Jeremiah saw what happened in Genesis chapter one, verse one and two.

Is there any further proof that this event occurred and does it have a name?

Its name is Katabole and it is Strong’s word 2602 a derivative of Strong’s word 2508, meaning founding or conception and to cleanse and purify. The word in the KJV that is most often translated katabole is the word foundation(s). I.E. I knew thee before the foundations of the earth were laid. Thus the prophet Jeremiah and lots of others.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee”

Ephesians 1:4 “According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world”

Romans 9:13 “Jacob, I have loved, but Esau I have hated” How could God hate an unborn baby? Because he knew him from the first earth age and he knew that Esau cared nothing for Him or his birthright. Esau is the father of the Russian people of today. Part of his sentence that God pronounced upon him was that he would live away from the fat of the land. The land of Russia is about as far away from the fat of the land as you can get. In Genesis 27:39 Isaac is recorded as saying Esau will live close to the fat of the land. Jacob had already gotten this blessing, so Esau could not attain the same blessing as Jacob. The blessing to Esau was that he would live away from the fat of the land. And he does to this day.

Malachi 1:3 “And I hated Esau”

There is only one way that God can make these statements. He knew us when we were with Him in the first earth age. He knew that Esau would reject his heritage and God hated him for that.

Finally 2 Peter 3:6-7 “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished— But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men”

“The world that then was” in the first world age. Was overflowed with water perished. The earth did not perish. Remember God created it perfect to never be removed out of its place forever. It was the age, or time that changed or perished. Here we get a new word, time or aeons, pronounced eons. Meaning time immortal or never ending or forever and ever.

There is no such thing as time in the spiritual realm.  Time started in the beginning and it still exists today. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth and He also created His children. No child of God has ever died since He created them. His children lived from the moment of creation until the end of the first earth age and then He removed them from the realm of earth because Satan and his followers had polluted earth and it became void and without form and  God destroyed that earth age and started the second earth age in which we now live. He put us in flesh bodies and sent our spirits from heaven to dwell within this mortal framework until the physical death of the flesh and it returns to the dirt from which it was created and our spirit returns to our Father who sent it.  No child that God created has ever died. We have lived since we were created in the beginning. In Genesis 1: 2 there are 2 words that are important to understand. “without form “is Strong’s Hebrew word 8414 “tohew” meaning a waste, a desolation, empty and in vain.  Then Strong’s Hebrew word “bohew” meaning to be empty a vacuity, a ruin, and emptiness. Bothe of these words describes what earth was like after the katabole.

Why did God put us here in these flesh bodies in this earth age? When one third of God’s children followed Satan, God had a choice to make. Either He could kill one third of His children or He could reestablish earth and create a new earth age and start the process all over and cause each of His children to be born of the flesh and live life here on this earth in this earth age  and make a decision once and for all time to either pledge their lives to and follow God or pledge their lives to and follow Satan. Those that follow God will live with Him in eternity and those that choose to follow Satan will be killed at the end of time and be blotted from memory forever and ever.

Then there is the earth age which is now. Right here and now. This instant, this moment in time. BUT! This earth age is kept in store to be destroyed and then another age will ensue. It will be the third earth age or period of time, called eternity. It will have a renewed earth and heaven will be right here on earth with God ruling it. Satan and his followers that do not repent are gone from existence. Paul referred to a man he knew that was “caught up into the third heaven” meaning John in the book of Revelation chapter 4. The first earth age was destroyed by the water of a worldwide flood. This second earth age that is kept in store to be destroyed is to be so destroyed by fire. But what fire?

It is the fire of God that is a consuming fire. It is God!  Several places in the bible, God is described as being a “consuming fire” Heb. 12:29, Deut. 4:24, to name a couple. What does this mean?

It means that God can with a flick of His tongue or a thought or a word, destroy or create anything. He can cause it to become ashes just as He will destroy Satan at the end of the millennium. Ezekiel 28:18, “therefore I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee” That my friends is what a consuming fire is and what it can and will do to everything that is against God at the end of days.

Do you love God, are you against Him? If you love Him,you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about if you answered yes to the first question and no to the second. He loves you and not one hair on your head will be singed.

God’s consuming fire of absolute purity and righteousness will consume and devour everything that is evil and against God and only perfection will be left. These things that will be consumed are called “rudiments” or “elements”, 2 Peter 3:10. They are all consumed and we are left with a perfect earth all rejuvenated and clean and absolutely pure and perfect, with the Godhead sitting in Jerusalem in the new Jerusalem ruling His children  with absolute love and abiding  grace and mercy.

This third earth age will be after the Lord’s Day. The Lord’s Day is a I,000 year period of time called the millennium.  This will be a time for teaching discipline and at the end of it the Great White Throne Judgment. Then and not until then and only then will any of God’s created children be executed. Those against God will die, the first is Satan. The only child of God currently named by God and sentenced to death. The seven thousand angels that flowed Satan in the first earth age are named but only as group, not individually.  Here and only here is Hell created as Satan is thrown into the “pit”.  Until this time and this event, hell does not exist.

No one knows the “TIME” frame of these events. It is just that it was and did happen. It is and was God. Three ages of time, same earth, same heaven, just different ages.

God has declared or made known to you the beginning from the end, so that you might understand the end and why it has all taken place the way it has. The three earth ages are often referred to as a mystery held in secret from the foundations of the world. It is no longer a mystery. It is known and was always know by those who have an ear to hear and an eye to see, the elect of God.

Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord sayeth? I sincerely pray that you do for if you do not you are in danger of being deceived by the instead of christ that will come at the sixth trump and do everything in his power to convince you that he is going to fly you away in his 747 and you will escape the tribulation.  The problem is that he is the false christ and he has come to get you to worship him instead of the true Christ who comes at the seventh trump.

For years the fear mongers have told tales of mass destruction and death and tribulation as has never before been seen on earth at the end of days. They have written books and made movies depicting an all-out war called Armageddon, while never mentioning Hamongog. They pitch and sell their wares of fear and destruction and all out chaos to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars into their bank accounts and it is all a lie straight from the pit of hell named Satan.  Chaos is the name, Babylon, and chaos is what Babylon means, confusion and that is what these fear mongers have pedaled, confusion. They have made millions and millions of dollars and they will stand there at the end and say, Lord, Lord, we have cast out demons in thy name and we have prophesied in thy name and He will say get the hence from me, I never knew you, ye that work iniquity. Mathew 7:22

Some are deceived into believing the lies of Satan. They believe they are telling the truth. This is what they were taught by their teachers. This is what is taught in the seminaries and in our greater institutions of learning everywhere. Others that sell these lies are not deceived. These that are not deceived are simply out for the dollar. They don’t even profess to be Christians. These are the Kenites that are the descendants of the Devil. You are responsible for what you choose  toread. If you want the one and only truth, you had better get it from the Written Word of the Lord God and not from some man, including this man. Check me out, what I have written here is the truth. It’s your choice!

Daniel 11:21 says, “but he, the instead of christ, shall come in peaceably” Also in verse 24, Peaceably!!!! And yes, prosperously. He will pay all your bills, buy you a new vehicle, he will give you every desire of your heart as soon as you pledge your love for and bow down and worship him as christ.

All you have to do is STOP !!! and study what has just been said and THINK!!! About it!!!!

This man, this instead of christ is coming as an imitation of the true Jesus. He is a fake, he is a fraud, he is against Christ, but he wants you to think and believe that he is christ, RIGHT!!!  I mean get real here !!!  Would Jesus Christ return in a killing mode of war and destruction and vengeance against His children??? Absolutely not. God sent His Son to save the world, not destroy it. God loves His creation and one of His creations is you. If you love Him in return, then he will protect you. Luke 21:18, not one hair on your head will perish.

This instead of christ comes at the sixth trump, while you are still in your flesh body.  Our redeemer, our true Jesus Christ returns at the seventh trump and we are changed instantly into our spiritual bodies. When someone says, lo, he is there or lo, he is here and you can pinch yourself and it hurts, it is the false christ. If when you pinch yourself you cannot feel it, and you are sort of flying about a foot off the ground or something like this, you are in your spiritual body. You are young and healthy and you feel no pain and you can see clearly that Jesus Himself is the one and only true Christ.

The word “foundations” most often means Katabole, the fall of Satan and his angels.

The word “world” most often means eons, or ages of time.

Understanding the meanings of these words unlocks the meaning of scriptures and places Satan and his angels and God and His angels in a place of perspective that is key to understanding the scriptures. Satan and his angels are the enemy of God and His children and he will do anything to gain control over God and you. But only if you allow him to do so. God gave us power over principalities and powers in high places. Luke 10:19.


Marvin Cape
