–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

The Swine

Mathew 8:28-34 tells a story of Jeseu delivering two men from Familiar Spirits. Upon a request from one of the men who Jesus spoke to, He sent the Familiar Spirits into some Swine grazing nearby. The Swine immediately broke from the feeding, ran off the edge of a cliff, and drowned themselves in a lake at the bottom of the cliff. Thus leaving the reader to surmise that not even the lowest form of animal on earth would allow Familiar Spirits to live with their bodies and manifest themselves as Familiar Spirits. Now, understand this. There is no such thing as Demons. and there is no such thing as Evil Spirits. They are all Familiar Spirits by translation from the older text. AND there are Familiar Spirits on earth today. There are not a lot of them, but they are real. What actually are they? They are the souls of departed humans that are Satan’s children and are sent here to harass God’s children. They have no power over God’s chosen because He gave us the power through the invoked name of Jesus to rebuke them and send them into Swine, so to speak. So, why does God choose whose to allow these harassing spirits to dwell within them and entice them to do ungodly things? Because they are not truly God’s children. They speak the name of God but live their lives for their true father, Satan. There are two fathers! In Malichia 4:6, we read about the return of Elijah and that he will restore the hearts of the FATHER”S to their rightful Fathers. This occurs just before the end of this earth age. God sends Elijah to restore the true hearts of the evil children back to their Father, Satan, and to restore the true hearts of the followers of God to their Father, God. So, what does this me to Christians? In today’s so-called Christian world, everything from self-creation to imagery is taught in the so-called churches. Number 1. If your church does not teach you about the Kenites. Number 2. If your church does not teach you about the three world ages. Number 3. If your church does not teach about the conceptions in the garden. Number 4 If your church does not teach you about Cain being the son of Satan. Number 5 If your church does not teach about Passover and instead teaches about So-Called Easter. And, I will stop here and not list any more topics that a church does not teach that are so clearly written in the Written word of God because my teaching here would contain only things that churches do not teach. Then that church is considered to be Swine before God. Because it is really funny that Swine would not tolerate the Familiar Spirits to dwell within them, but these so-called Christians that go to these so-called churches every Sunday and listen to someone that calls themselves a preacher or a teacher tell them lies straight from the pulpit of Satan and the depths of Hell will allow these lies and untruths to dwell within themselves. What a bunch of Sottish people calling themselves Christians. It’s disgusting! If these people are this ignorant and gullible, they deserve to go to the wrong side of Paradise when they die. Those remaining alive when the Instead of Christ comes at the sixth trump, and he says, Hey, I’m here. Everyone get in line to board my 747 for eternity with me because I am your savior, and I will make everything alright for you to live in eternity. While you are waiting, I am going to pay off all of your debts and buy you each a new var and fill your pantries with goods and staples so you will never run out ever again. All you have to do is fall on your face and worship me as your savior, and I will do all these things for you and your loved ones. Go now and tell all of them that I am here, and they need to come to worship me also. I will save them for you. And Mother will betray Daughter and Father will betray Son and so on and on, until everyone has pledged their lives for all eternity to their father, Satan, the instead of christ that has come at the sixth trump. THEN!!!!! Heaven opens, and a light so bright that it blots out the sun appears, and everyone is exposed. Satan is seen for who he really is an imitator and a fake. His followers are all seen as deceived Sottish, sorry people that have been lied to and believed that lie and are all now in danger of Hell Fire, and Damnation for all eternity. The true Redemer has returned to earth, and He is about to unleash His judgment on the unjust and the weak and Sottish people that consider themselves to be Christians but are nothing more than fodder for the fire. And so He does, and it is hell right here on earth, and it is on His children, His disobedient Sottish children. The spiritual blood flows up to the horses’ bridals. So it is written in the book of revelation. Not one hair on the head of one of God’s true flowers and believers can be harmed. If you belong to God, you are safe and secure, and the second death has no power over you. After this comes the millennium, and these Sottish deceived people are taught for that one thousand years. At the end of the 1000 years, God Himself appears in Heaven, and the books are opened, and judgment is made by the Holy Trinity. The people that have been spiritually dead for 1000 years are judged alongside every human that ever lived. Those that were  God’s followers and true believers are judged and given rewards according to their good works for our Lord. The second death has no power over them. Then those that followed their father Satan are allowed to have the opportunity to either follow God or to follow Satan. Satan is loosed from his pit of millennial imprisonment for a short period f time, it is not written what that short period of time is, but I suspect it will be 2.5 months. Then those that follow Satan are all thrown into the eternal fire along with their father Satan and will be totally consumed, and the smoke from that fire will ascend upward forever and ever. So, Are you a Swine? Because it is only Swine that follow their father satan. So it is with eh churches of today. They are mostly all Swine and teach what Swine will not live with. But these so-called Christians will live with it. They will wallow in it, sing its praises and dine on its excellence. They will digest the fowl excrement from it to others through their vile mouths. Their tongues are split, and the poison it delivers is that of a King Cobra. I warn you, people of God. Stay away from the vile and vicious so-called Christians. They will devour you into their false beliefs and vicious lies. Remember, in the great book of John 2:10-11, it tells us if we are around these people, do not even wish them a good day or any other salutation because if you do, you become a partaker of their vile and treacherous religion. Read John 2:10-11 for yourself and make your own decision.