–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

They are of the Synagogue of Satan

In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, there are two similar verses. Both say the same thing. But what exactly what do they say? Revelation 2:9 speaking to the church at Ephesus: “I know thy works and tribulation, and poverty(but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 3:9 “Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; I will make them to come worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” Both of these verses say exactly the same thing. God loves the church at Smyrna and Philadelphia. He hates blasphemy, and that is exactly what those that claim to be Jews are saying that they are Jews but, in fact, are the sons of Satan and the offspring of his son Cain. So exactly who are these that say they are Jews and are not? Let’s explore.

John 8:44-45.Now, this is the book of John, not the epistles of John. John here says that “Ye are of your father, the Devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode, not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” Who is Jesus speaking to? Chapter 8, verse  13. The Pharisees. Jesus was speaking in the Treasury in the Temple to the Pharisees. Chapter 8, verse 20.  Jesus said that their father abode not in the truth.

What is the Truth? Or better yet, who is the Truth? The Truth is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in fact, God Himself since he was born of a virgin, and God said to call His name Emmanuel which being interpreted means God with us! So, God came to earth as a baby and lived and walked among us and died for our sins. He is the only one worthy to die for us. He chose to do that in the human form of Jesus Christ. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. So He is the Truth. Who was the first murderer? It was Cain! Cain slew his brother Able! Who was Cain’s Father? The Devil! How is that possible? Eve had sex with the Devil in the Garden of Eden, and she became pregnant from that intercourse. The father of the Pharisees did not abide in Him, the Truth. Who was their father? The Devil. So, the Pharisees are the offspring of their father, the Devil. How is that possible? Read Genesis  6:19. “Take two of every living thing of all flesh” The offspring of Satan were flesh, right? Eve bare Cain, and he was flesh, so his offspring were flesh also. Read Cain’s Geneology in Genesis. 4.  The offspring of Cain are called Kenites. They are a race of people that survived the flood because God told Noah to take two of every flesh onto the Ark. He did, and that is how the Kenites, the offspring of Satan, survived the flood. Now the object of the flood of Noah was to kill all of the Geber. Geber were the offspring in Genesis of the “Fallen angels or those called the Nephillium” The word Nephillium means fallen or fallen ones. The angels that left heaven of Jude 6. came to earth and took the daughters of Adam, meaning men, and they bear children for them called Geber. Geber is a word that means hybrid or half-breed. One-half human and one-half angel. These offspring were Giants in the earth in those days Genesis 6:4. If you read the book of Joshuah, you will come to understand that God told Joshuah to kill every offspring of Satan or the Kenites. But he did not. He left a few alive, and they lived on the coast of Israel and are today called Palestinians. There is no such human as a Palestinian. They are descendants of the Kenites. The Kenites today walk among us. Most are influential people that are lawmakers or lawyers or some form of a person that is in command to make the laws, write books and take care of our finances in our government. There are not that many of them left, and probably not many of them are aware that they are Kenites, but a select few are aware. You might say, why did God choose to allow some of them to survive? He did not. It was Joshuah that allowed them to remain through today.

You see these so-called religious men standing with other heads buried against the East wall in Jerusalem today on the news media. They proclaim to be Jews, but they are not. They are, in fact, Kenites. These are the same people that God was speaking to the two churches about in Revelation. They stand on the street corner wearing their so-called priestly garb and proclaim to be so holy, and ask for alms, which is money. They are nothing more than beggars. They are fake, and they do not know the Truth. If you look closely at the modern-day church, you can see clearly those that are not Kenites by birth but are Kenites by action and deed. They give lip service and proclaim to be servants of our Lord, but they are not. They do lie!

The hypocrisy of the secular church of today makes the church back in Jesus’s time look like saints compared to them. The Bible is no longer taught in them, nor is anything related to the Written Word of God. Pastors of today do not even believe in the resurrection, much less Jesus ad Savior. They teach psychology and secularism. Most never hold Holy Communion, and they teach that one has to be perfect in order to take Holy Communion. When, in fact, the bible does not teach us that we have to be Holy; it teaches us that we must believe that Christ is Holy and that He is worthy of holy Communion. We take Holy Communion in honor of Him and in remembrance of Him.

God said that He was well pleased with these two churches. Today if you do not attend a church that teaches what God said in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, then you are not attending a church that God approves of. I only know of this ministry and one church that teaches this message about the Kenites. I say to you; if you are attending a church that does not teach Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, you might want to consider not attending it anymore. Not only does God not like churches that do not teach this, but He also does not like people that attend when they know better!  Think about it! In Love, Pastor Marvin Cape