–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

God is A divorcee

God, The Divorcee

So, you’re married or about to be!  Good Luck! I jest, please forgive me.

I have been married for a long time and I have a lot of experience in it and so does my beautiful bride. I love her with all my heart as I love God and His Son Jesus which are the same person. Have any of you been divorced? Are you remarried? Are you contemplating getting married? You know there is no shame in being divorced.  But if you go to one of these so-called churches out there where the people want to make you sit in the back of the church or tell you that you cannot be a Sunday school teacher or a Deacon or even an Elder in their church because you are D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D. They say the word like it is a cuss word or something evil. The truth is,it is they that are evil! Do you know that it is a sin to judge anyone? They are judging you when they try to make you feel like a piece of trash that the dogs will not even pick up. I like the song that Dolly Parton sang I think that she hit the nail right on the head. I hate people that think that they are better than others just because they are D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D. Did you know that God is D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D? Well, He is!!! Jeremiah 3:8 “And I saw, for when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery. I had her put away and given her a bill of divorce” So if God divorced Israel where and when did He marry her? Ezekiel 16:8 “Now when I passed by thee and looked upon thee, behold the time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over thee and covered thy nakedness: (Back then spreading a man’s skirt over a woman meant he was marrying her. They actually had sexual relations and that made them husband and wife)—So did Boaz to Ruth in Ruth 4:13. —Yea I swear unto thee and entered into a covenant with thee saith the Lord God and thou becamest Mine.” Now listen to me!!! I say this with emphasis!!!! God Himself wrote these words and you had better not monkey around with them. He said that He took Jebus for His wife and that She was His. So, God married Israel and later He divorced her.  That’s all, there is, there is no more. Stop and smell the sweet savor of what God just said from His very own lips. He loved her and she was squaddling clothes wallowing in blood and putrification and God Himself washed her with water and cleansed her and made her pure as white snow and then some. She was His Bride and He was her Husband. And then if you will continue reading you will see that He lifted her up to a stature on His level and adorned her with every precious stone and metal and fine linen and clothing worthy of a Queen and she was. She was His Queen and He was Her King. But what did she do in return? Read the rest of Jeremiah’s chapter 3 and see what she did. It was awful and so degrading that He divorced her and God became a divorcee.

Do you go to a church that judges you because you are divorced? If you do, you might want to take note here!!!

The last time I checked God’s Written Word said the following. John 3:16, whomsoever will. It also said that Jesus Christ died for our sins repented of or not, repentance is always available through Him. So if Jesus Christ forgives sin when it is repented for, who do these so-called Christians think they are?  You either believe that He does forgive you or you do not and if you do not you are not a Christian! And if that is not good enough for those hypocrites in the local churches that don’t believe or accept that Jesus Christ forgives sin when He is asked and the sin is properly repented Jesus Christ forgives you of any part you may have had in your D-I-V-O-R-C-E ! You are free to remarry if you so choose. OHH!!!  But what about Adultery? What about it? It is not the unforgivable sin. So if you committed adultery in your marriage and you have repented of it and you were honest in your repentance, then you are free to remarry, you are forgiven.

Let me tell you something! There is only one unforgivable sin! That is to grieve the Holy Spirit. And unless you are one of God’s elect you cannot commit that sin and the elect can only commit the unforgivable sin after the sixth trump and you are called up before the instead of christ and the Holy Spirit ask you if he can use your voice to witness and testify before the make-believe christ and if you refuse to do that, then you have committed the unforgivable sin. So, you nor anyone else can or has committed the unforgivable sin as of today’s date whatever date it might be.

There are two sins that are not forgivable in this lifetime and this earth age. One is premeditated murder and the other is Rape. Pre Mediated or first-degree murder is when someone lies in wait and has planned to kill one of God’s children and carries through with it and actually commits the murder that that is not forgivable in their lifetime. They can only die and go before the Father and plead their case to Him while the person that they killed is standing there listening to their plea. After they complete their defense or lack of it God will make His decision whether the killer goes to hell or is forgiven and gets the opportunity to live during the Millennium and possibly make a change and get into eternity. All of this applies to a rapist also. (Now I have taken some liberties here with what I have just written. I did so to make it clear what is going to happen but it is still my rendition of the possible events that will take place and not actually what may happen. So don’t go around telling others that I said it was so because I did not. I only speculated.) Anyway, you absolutely cannot commit the unpardonable sin during your lifetime. Now here is ME! I did not say that God liked D-I-V-O-R-C-E, in fact, He does not but He does not condemn anyone for divorce, and as I stated He forgives when asked and it is wiped from your record. There are actual reasons written in the bible for divorce.

I have been a pastor for 30 years and I have witnessed so many people getting divorced and I really hate divorce. People get divorced for some of the craziest reasons. Yes, life is tough and our government is not making it any easier for us. People carry so much baggage into relationships. It’s mostly the baggage that gets people into trouble. Like a former spouse that interferes or an interfering mother-in-law, or even a mother. Sisters, brothers, friends, and others can play vital roles in any one’s marriage and it is so dumb to allow such things to interfere with a wonderful relationship. There are several ingredients that are required for a successful relationship to flourish and prosper. I am going to list a few and in no particular order of importance.

  1. Trust- Must be absolute.
  2. Faith, in God and each other.
  3. Willingness to change or to consider making changes to one’s self. No one can change another person!!!
  4. Addictions: If you have one you had better get rid of it, or else it will destroy you.
  5. Commitment to each other after God.
  6. To allow your spouse’s best friend or other person in the relationship to be who they are! Example: A real man will stand up for his wife and children regardless. But a real man has to allow his spouse or whoever fight their own battles except in cases where they might get hurt. MY woman can take care of herself but I will step in at the right point and take over her protection but not until I can see that she needs me to.
  7. If you are married or in a committed relationship after God, your husband or significant other comes first, I don’t care what the situation is!!!! Any wife that puts her children first will lose the love of her husband. He will always be second fiddle and someday the kids will all be gone what are you left with?
  8. If you are married or in a committed relationship your wife always comes first after God, I don’t care what happens!!!
  9. Your children come next!
  10. If you are having financial trouble, seek a financial advisor and never, never, never fight over debts or creditors and bill collectors. Remember what is the worst that can happen? They come and take you stuff away. You will still have each other. If you are not willing to let your STUFF go and be at one with your spouse you deserve to lose it!
  11. And never ever allow some bimbo so-called preacher that send you all this stuff begging for money asking for a large donation or a sacrificial offering or to sell you some so-called anointed prayer cloth or fleece. Do not give them any money. When Christ sent out the 70 He told them to not take a purse. If you look up the definition of the word purse you will find it means a begging bag. God does not send out beggars!!!!

When 2 people meet and eventually get married it is the most wonderful thing that happens in life except for the birth of your children. These 2 moments in time mark you forever.

God created Et Ha Adam in the Garden and then after He looked for a while, He said that He could do better that so He took the curve from Et Ha Adam and created Eve and she became the mother of all living. Yea, I know some man somewhere in time saw the word CURVE in the manuscripts and thought that He was wiser than God and changed the word to RIB because he thought that was what God meant. Let me tell you that he was just as wrong as he could possibly be and just because of that one SCRIBE changing just one word in God’s original manuscripts men have been teaching that Et Ha Adam and every man ever created had one less RIB that the woman did. That is so funny and to think people believe this stuff, it is so funny! You say you don’t think it is funny? What is wrong with you, men have the same number of ribs as women always have had and always will have. Don’t believe me ask your Doctor or better yet look it up on Google. You will see that I am correct!!! You see today we are a lot smarter than people were when our parents were kids. They simply did not know that God knew all about this newly discovered thing called DNA long before He created Et Ha Adam. So He put both the male and the Female DNA in Et Ha Adam and when He created him. You see there is this thing called the Helix Curve and it contains the DNA of a human. Now I am no scientist or anything like that and I am being very simple here with my explanation so don’t say that I do not know what I am talking about because I do just a little bit. I know enough to tell you about were God got the material to create Eve. He took that DNA and He created a woman. Et Ha Adam later named her Eve. So how did she become the mother of all living? Good question, I am glad you asked it!

But before I go into that I want to tell you that even though it is not written I believe that God crested the first woman on the 6th day the same way as He created Eve. This is the 6th day creation of the Ethnos or Ethnic peoples of the world. God looked and it was good because He loved His children that He had created on the 6th day. Genesis 1:31. KJV

I was about to tell you about how Eve became the mother of all living. Through her, with a totally pure blood line, from her first son Seth to Jesus and the virgin birth Eve was the mother of all of them umbilical cord to umbilical cord. So if you are not in her Son Jesus Christ you are not living. In other words if you are not a Christiaan you are not living!

Dear ones, The bible is a very simple story. That is what the word History means, His Story! It is the story of one man named Jesus and His family and all the people that He encounters while on His way through earthly life and His life with His Father, God.

If you ever have any questions for me, please write me and I will do my best to provide you the best answers that I know. I’m pretty old and have a lot of kids. I have been down that road long before you!       e got ready to creathe Eve He simply took the DNA