–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

In Genesis Chapter 0ne it says!!!!

“In the beginning” —Whenever that was because it is not written and we do not know, but it all started, at some point in time. Some new agers claim that this earth is only 6,000 years ago but that is absolutely ridiculous. It is billions and billions of years old and that can be proven. Just because you can count to six days for the time that God used to create this current earth age does not mean that the earth itself is only 6,000 years old. In fact, these 6,000-year-old earth agers are even incorrect about that so-called fact. God’s Written Word tells us in 2 Peter 3:8 that “One day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” (with man, I add). If you consider: It took God 6,000 days (Years) to create this Earth, and He rested on the 7th day then the total is 7,000 years. Then you have the creation of Et Ha Adam and Eve on the 8th day and that brings the total to 8,000 years, (Days)  Then we have about 2000 years since Jesus was here on this earth and you have 10,000 years, (days). Then there are the 4,000 years of this earth before Jesus came and walked on it and lived among us as Emmanuel, or “God with us” Mat.1:22-23. “A virgin shall conceive and bring forth a child and ye shall call His name Emmanuel” which being interpreted means God with us. Add the years up and you get what? 14,000 years total so this particular earth (Age) is about 14,000 years old and not 6,000 years old. That’s simple arithmetic. But as for this earth itself, we have a far different outcome when we count the years old that it is! Let’s use some good old common sense for a change, can we? So, what does that mean? Well folks it means that if we look around this old planet and consider what we see, it becomes quite evident that this old piece of dirt is pretty dagone old. Have you ever heard of an animal called a dinosaur? I know you have. I mean even Stinkeywood out there in some place in what they call Califor-nia. That’s where they have all the earthquakes! Anyway, Old Job knew all about the dinosaurs. In chapter 40 of Job God tells us about this creature. He says in Job 40:15: “Behold now Behemoth., which I (Meaning God) made with thee;(He evidently made both of them at the same time?) he, the behemoth eateth grass as an Ox. 16: Lo, now his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. 17: He moveth his tail like a Cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapper together. 18: His bones are as strong as pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of Iron. 19: He is the chief of the ways of God. He That made him can make his sword to approach unto him. 20: Surely the mountains bring him forth food where all the beast of the field play. 23 He drinketh up a river and hasteth not: he trusteth he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.24: He taketh it with his eyes; his nose pierceth through snares.  Canst thou draw out Levithianwith an hook? and it goes on, read the rest for yourself. It is interesting that God speaks of Brass and Iron and it has not even been discovered as of this time frame.This is not a Nile river Hippo. A Nile river Hippo has a little tail like a pig, not like a Cedar of Lebanon. Nile river Hippos eats its food off the bottom of rivers and not on the mountain tops. This is a Dinosaur and God named it Leviathan! Job knew what it was and God said that He had made him to eat from the trees on the mountain tops and drink the rivers dry. A Hippo has a small little tail like a hog. This creature had a tail like a Cedar of Lebanon. The Cedars Lebanon were the mightiest tree God ever created, even mightier than the Cedars of California. You can see these creatures’ remains today almost everywhere on earth. There is a place in Ashfall Nebraska where there is a large metal roof covering a very large area of land and semi-buried in that land under that protective cover there is every species of animal that ever was created by God has a skeleton there among all the rest. It is an awesome sight you should see it if you ever can, I have and it is absolutely stunning to witness. Zebras, Antelope, several different species of Camels, and Hippos. Gazelles, yes, Dinasauers. Their bone is partially under the dirt in places and out above the dirt in other places. (Uncovered by archeologist) You can see babies that were never born in the tummies of their mothers. They were all buried in some sort of cataclysmic catastrophe that occurred on this earth at some point in time. What was that cataclysmic Catastrophey and when did it happen? Short answer, The Katabole!A word that means the “Overthrow of Satan and Hid followers” Well, let’s see if we can answer the rest of this question. Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. “In the beginning” We have already established that we do not know when that was but without any doubt, it was billions and billions of years ago. How can I say that? Because there was an earth age before this earth age and the bible says so. 2 Peter 3:6: “Whereby the earth that then was, ( That’s the first earth age), being overflowed with water, perished.” Now, what the heck does this mean? It means that this particular earth (age) the first earth and heaven age was done away with, it was gone, vanished, kaput, nada disappeared, See you later alligator! It flooded and was totally covered with water. Read Jeremiah chapter 4. you will see what happened to this old earth. Isiah 24:1: Behold the Lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it a waste and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof “V3 “The land was utterly emptied and utterly spoiled”  Now all jokes set aside it does not mean that it was “Destroyed” because the earth was not destroyed. I never used the word destroyed in my description of what happened to the first earth and heaven (Age) because that is what it was, an (AGE) and it was the same earth and the same heaven, just one age a different age from the one that we all know and understand. So how did this earth and heaven age come to be? Good question. Let’s see if we can answer it!That great old fisherman, Peter tells us if we just keep on reading! He says in verse 7: “But the heavens and the earth which are NOW” Wow, there they are, they are NOW!!!! Isn’t that great God made a new Heaven and a new Earth (Age) and it is right now, right here on this earth in this earth (AGE)? That is what He is doing in the book of Genesis he is reestablishing this same old earth that He literally and physically covered with water and froze it. and turned it upside down. Now He is starting over. We are living in the second earth age with the second Heaven all around us. And it is about 14,000 years old. Old Peter tells us that this earth age we now live in is going to be destroyed by fire and that really scares a lot of people, even people that claim to be Christians but do not understand the Written Word of God because they never had a really good bible teacher to teach them the truth chapter by chapter and verse by verse. But destroyed by fire, what does this mean? Have you ever read Hebrews 12:29 or Deuteronomy 4:24 Exodus 24:16-18 and I could give you others? They all say, “Our God is a consuming fire”  So, what does that mean? It means that Our God can if He so chooses burn anything and everything up with His consuming fire from His mouth, even from HIs burning and piercing eyes all he has to do is open his mouth or look at it with his eyes of fire and the flames will come out and the thing will be burned totally up and disappear. He does not even have to open His mouth for fire to come out and destroy something. He can think of fire coming down from heaven and destroy something. Our God is a jealous God. Joshuah 24:19. But as He states in Luke 21:18 “but there shall not an hair on your head perish” God protects His own. So, what was this cataclysmic event that destroyed the first earth age? We read in Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the earth” The word Form is Strong’s word 8414 Tohuw, meaning a waste a vacuity desolation, a worthless empty place. Then the second word in Genesis 1:2 is Void, Strong’s 922 bohew meaning undistinguishable ruin, emptiness, void. So it means that after the first earth that God created it became empty and void and without form. The current KJV bible in verse 2 that “The earth WAS” and that is not a correct translation for the word WAS. To get the correct translation you have to go to the manuscripts. The word “WAS” is correctly translated as “Being” or “BECAME” Being is a form of becoming or became. So the earth was not created by God without form and void. It was created to be inhabited. Isiah 45:18 “For thus saith, the Lord God That created the heavens; God Himself That formed the earth and made it; hath established it, He created it not in VAIN He formed it to be inhabited “I am the Lord, and there is none else”  Now, I don’t know about you but this is instruction directly from God Himself and when He writes something personally in His Written Word to me. I am not going to misinterpret it or say anything other than what He says!!! And I most certainly will never change what He has to say personally. BUT!!! There are so many out there in the Pulpits and Sunday school; classes that are teaching a different word than what God has said in His very Own Written Word. But nonetheless, this old planet did “BECOME” without form and void as the book states but it had to have a reason for “BECOMING” so. So, what caused it to become so? If you said Satan, that old Devil, and that Serpent or that Snake in the Garden, you get a gold star because you are exactly correct. If you said anything different then I ask you to study the following closely and be open to changing your mind. There is a word that we use a lot in our English language. It is the word FOUNDATION or FOUNDATIONS. I used it when I use to build a new home or any sort of building, like a church. They all had this one thing in common they all had basically the same foundation(s). So does the modern-day church, all of them.But that is about where the semblance stops. Go inside and you will most likely not hear the message that I just presented about the Dinasauers and the age of this earth and this earth age. Because little to none of them teach what I just presented herein. The word Foundations is Strong’s word Katabole. You read in Jeremiah 4:23 “I beheld the earth, lo it was without form and void and the heavens they had no light. 24: I beheld the mountains and lo, they trembled and the hills moved lightly. 25:  beheld and lo there was no man and the birds of the heaven were fled. 26: I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord and His fierce anger.27: For thus hath the Lord said: “The whole earth shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end” 28 For this earth shall mourn, and the heavens above shall be black: because I have Spoken It! I have purposed it and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it. 29: For this earth shall mourn. (This earth age that He has destroyed) 29: The whole city shall flee from the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; they shall go into the thickets, and climb upon the rocks; every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwells therein. 30: And when thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? Though thou closeth thyself with crimson, though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold this thou rentest thy face with painting, in vain shall thou makest thyself fair; thy lovers will despise thee, they will seek thy life. 31: For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish of her that bringeth forth her first child the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewailth herself, that spreadeth her hands saying, “Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.”  Here we have a synopsis of what happened and the results of that action that God took. He totally destroyed the first death age and left absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing!!! I mean not even a Fig tree leaf!!!! But He did leave a Fig Tree leaf in the flood of old Noah. He did not completely destroy the second earth age. He put eight Adamic Souls on board that Ark and He put one of everything that was alive (Living Flesh) Genesis 6:19″And of every living thing of ALL FLESH, two shalt thou bring into the Ark”  of EVERY SORT  on board also, including to of every race kind, and color. Genesis 7:16: “And they that went in, went in male and female of ALL FLESH” I rest my case. God took two of every living thing (SOUL)  aboard the ARK, He did not make an end to it all. If you read Genesis 7:20, you will see that the water only got 15 cubits deep anywhere. That equals about 45 feet. But why did God destroy the first earth and heaven age? If you read Ezekiel chapter 28 you get the answer. Now Ezekiel chapter 28 is a very long chapter and I will not write it for you here, you can read it for yourself. Now read and follow along! I will however give you an overview of what this particular chapter means. The Word of the Lord came unto me saying. Who did the Word of the Lord come to? Verse 2: Son of man. Who is called the Son of man? Jesus Christ is called the Son of man while He walked here on this earth. Mathew 18:11 KJV.  Christ means Christos or Jesus Christ the anointed one. So, it s Jesus that is talking here. Then He starts telling someone what His Father has told Him.So we have here two men talking. V2. Jesus tells the Prince of Tyrus who is the name of the other man. The following. Now, who is the prince of Tyrus? It is none other than that old evil one, the Son of Perdition, the Devil, Satan or Apollyon, or Abaddon. His name in both Greek and Hebrew. Jesus called him “The Prince of Tyrus” What does the word Tyrus mean? It literally means “ROCK” Now Jesus Christ is the ROCK of the tribe of Judah and every Christian ever so Satam must be the ROCK of every non-Christian or every evil and unsaved person. Malachi 4:6 “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the hearts of the children back to their fathers.NOTICE, there are 2 fathers. One is Satan and the other is Christ.”In other words, He is their Rock and Christ is our Rock. Tyrus is a real place in Lebanon. Tyre or Tyrus was a great Phonecian city that reigned over the seas and was a great seaport for trading in slaves and other contraband with its leader called their ROCK named Satan. He was once King Tyrus when as stated in verse 2 He wanted to sit on the seat in the midst of the seas.  of GOD. Yet he was only a man! And he was demoted to the seat of Prince and he was no longer king. V3 He set his heart as the heart of God and wanted to be God. Christ says that he is smarter than Daniel and that he has great wisdom and has gotten riches (from Tyre) which means the world! It has been by His great wisdom that he has accomplished all this. BUT!!! His heart was lifted up because he wanted to sit on the “Mercy Seat” and become God himself and kick the real God off of his rightful Seat. In other words, he sat on one side of God, V14 as the anointed Cherub that covereth. So He sat beside God but he decided that He wanted to be god and sit in the mercy seat of God and become a god himself. God said that He had made Satan the greatest Cherub that He had ever created and that V13 He had given him every covering to make him the most beautiful and richest and powerful of every angel and ark angel and Chrub that The had ever had. V15 God said that Satan was perfect in his ways from the day that thou (He) was created. BUT!! Then “INIQUITY” That means EVIL; was found in thee, or him; meaning in Satan.He had become violent and full of evil, V16. Then God said, I will cast thee out of the mountain of God; This is where God lives so to speak.  and I will destroy thee oh covering Cherub; meaning that he covered the mercy seat of God as a protector and I will cast thee from among the stones of fire. Who or what are the “Stones of Fire” They are you and me, they are all of God’s children. So, Satan was among the Stones of Fire, meaning that even though He was a Cherub he was still only a man. NOTE HERE: I feel it is most important to say that angels are only our brothers and sisters some not born yet and many others have been born and lived human life here on earth and died and are once again angels. A spiritual heavenly body is only a departed or not yet born angel with our Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8 tells us that when we die we are instantly back with our Lord that sent us here to be born as humans and live and die and return to Him. Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 speaks of the “Silver Cord parting” Read it! So, angels are just men and men are just angels. V17-18 Christ says that He will cast Him to the ground and lay Him before kings. He tells Him that He has defiled sanctuaries by the multitude of His iniquities and by the iniquity of His traffic. V 18: THEREFORE Christ will BRING FORTH A FIRE FROM THE MIDST OF THEE, IT SHALL DEVOUR THEE. And I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth.  So, He is going to kill Satan and that is something only God can do. Only He can kill a spiritual being. It is right here that we have to talk about HELL! What is hell and where is it and exactly what happens to people that go to hell and also when does Hell start? All really good questions that people want to know and understand. I will be happy to write about it if anyone out there wants me to. All you have to do is send me a request to do so and I will. You all out there need to know that I do not just sit down and write these messages. I spent hours and days composing them and trying to make sure that I do not mislead you. I was ordained in 1991 and I have spent these years studying and learning and I still study and learn. I am also an author and I have several books that will be coming out later this year and next. I have a young adults series that will be about 12 books in all and I have one novel already at the publishers and one ready to go to the publishers. So, I am very busy writing all the time. So may the good Lord take a liking to you and may you receive the blessings that God has for you. Until next time. Pastor Marvin Cape.  Write ME!