–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

Don’t Teach My People to Fly to Save Their Souls


Ezekiel 13: 20 “Wherefore thus saith the Lord God, behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith you there hunt the soul to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls you hunt to make them fly”

The word hunt, Strong’s 6678, here literally means to lie in wait as in premediated. As in premeditated murder. This is the sixth commandment. In the manuscripts it is written “thou shalt do no murder”, meaning criminal homicide. Strong’s list it as 7523 (ratsch), meaning to murder or to slay, as in pre-mediated. To lie in wait signifies intent and intent signifies guilt and responsibility.

So, as we continue to study Ezekiel 13, you will see how the anger of our Lord is kindled and is blown into a fierce raging consuming fire that will destroy those that teach this so called rapture Theory. The very first inclination one should get is the fact that it is called a theory. Any theory is not necessarily based on fact but usually based on unknown so called facts that are in actuality theory.

Thus the Rapture Theory is a false teaching based on false theory and satanic vision. The rapture Theory is a satanic teaching that originated with a young deranged woman named Margaret McDonald in 1830.

Margaret MacDonald (visionary)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Not edited)

Margaret MacDonald was born in 1815 in Port Glasgow, Scotland and died around 1840.[1] She lived with her two older brothers, James and George, both of whom ran a shipping business.[1] Beginning in 1826 and through 1829, a few preachers in Scotland emphasized that the world’s problems could only be addressed through an outbreak of supernatural gifts from the Holy Spirit.[2] In response, Isabella and Mary Campbell of the parish of Rosneath manifested charismatic experiences such as speaking in tongues. Around 1830, miraculous healings were reported through James Campbell, first of his sister Margaret MacDonald and then of Mary Campbell (through James’s letter to Mary).[3] Shortly thereafter James and George MacDonald manifested the speaking and interpretations of tongues, and soon others followed suit in prayer meetings. These charismatic experiences garnered major national attention. Many came to see and investigate these events. Some, such as Edward Irving and Henry Drummond, regarded these events as genuine displays from the Holy Spirit. Others, including John Nelson Darby and Benjamin Wills Newton, whom the Brethren sent on their behalf to investigate, came to the conclusion that these displays were demonic.[4]

Alleged origin of the dispensational pretribulation rapture.

There have been a couple of attempts to locate a “source” for Darby’s concept of the rapture. These attempts imply that Darby’s concepts originated from a “false” (demonic) source. Samuel Prideaux Tregelles alleged that John Nelson Darby’s concept of the rapture was taken from one of the charismatic utterances in Edward Irving’s church. Since Tregelles regarded the utterances as “pretending to be from God,” his implication is that Darby’s rapture is from a demonic source. Dave MacPherson built upon Tregelles’s accusation, and claimed the source for Darby’s rapture was from an utterance of Margaret MacDonald.[5][6] However, scholars think there are major obstacles that render these accusations untenable. It is clear that Darby regarded the 1830 charismatic manifestations as demonic and not of God.[4] Darby would not have borrowed an idea from a source that he clearly thought was demonic.[7] Also Darby had already written out his pretribulation rapture views in January 1827, 3 years prior to the 1830 events and any MacDonald utterance.[8] When MacDonald’s utterance is read closely, her statements show her to hold a posttribulationist position (“being the fiery trial which is to try us” and “for the purging and purifying of the real members of the body of Jesus”).[9][10] For these and other reasons, scholars consider MacPherson’s alleged connection to dispensationalism as untenable.[11]

MacDonald’s utterance   The first account of MacDonald’s utterance was published in 1840 in Norton’s Memoirs pp. 171–76, and the second account in 1861 in The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets pp. 15–18. The two accounts were conflated by MacPherson in his book The Incredible Cover-up p. 151–54. The bold text below is from the first account:

“It was first the awful state of the land that was pressed upon me. I saw the blindness and infatuation of the people to be very great. I felt the cry of Liberty just to be the hiss of the serpent, to drown them in perdition. It was just ‘no God.’ I repeated the words, Now there is distress of nations, with perplexity, the seas and the waves roaring, men’s hearts failing them for fear. Now look out for the sign of the Son of Man. Here I was made to stop and cry out, O it is not known what the sign of the Son of Man is; the people of God think they are waiting, but they know not what it is. I felt this needed to be revealed, and that there was great darkness and error about it; but suddenly what it was burst upon me with a glorious light. I saw it was just the Lord himself descending from Heaven with a shout, just the glorified man, even Jesus; but that all must, as Stephen was, be filled with the Holy Ghost, that they might look up, and see the brightness of the Father’s glory. I saw the error to be, that men think that it will be something seen by the natural eye; but ’tis spiritual discernment that is needed, the eye of God in his people. Many passages were revealed, in a light in which I had not before seen them. I repeated, ‘Now is the kingdom of Heaven like unto ten virgins, who went forth to meet the Bridegroom, five wise and five foolish; they that were foolish took their lamps, but took no oil with them; but they that were wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.’ ‘But be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is; and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.’ This was the oil the wise virgins took in their vessels – this is the light to be kept burning – the light of God – that we may discern that which cometh not with observation to the natural eye. Only those who have the light of God within them will see the sign of his appearance. No need to follow them who say, see here, or see there, for his day shall be as the lightning to those in whom the living Christ is. ‘Tis Christ in us that will lift us up – he is the light – ’tis only those that are alive in him that will be caught up to meet him in the air. I saw that we must be in the Spirit, that we might see spiritual things. John was in the Spirit, when he saw a throne set in Heaven. But I saw that the glory of the ministration of the Spirit had not been known. I repeated frequently, but the spiritual temple must and shall be reared, and the fullness of Christ be poured into his body, and then shall we be caught up to meet him. Oh none will be counted worthy of this calling but his body, which is the church, and which must be a candlestick all of gold. I often said, Oh the glorious inbreaking of God which is now about to burst on this earth; Oh the glorious temple which is now about to be reared, the bride adorned for her husband; and Oh what a holy, holy bride she must he, to be prepared for such a glorious bridegroom. I said, Now shall the people of God have to do with realities – now shall the glorious mystery of God in our nature be known – now shall it be known what it is for man to be glorified. I felt that the revelation of Jesus Christ had yet to be opened up – it is not knowledge about God that it contains, but it is an entering into God – I saw that there was a glorious breaking in of God to be. I felt as Elijah, surrounded with chariots of fire. I saw as it were, the spiritual temple reared, and the Head Stone brought forth with shoutings of grace, grace, unto it. It was a glorious light above the brightness of the sun that shone round about me. I felt that those who were filled with the Spirit could see spiritual things, and feel walking in the midst of them, while those who had not the Spirit could see nothing – so that two shall be in one bed, the one taken and the other left, because the one has the light of God within while the other cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven. I saw the people of God in an awfully dangerous situation, surrounded by nets and entanglements, about to be tried, and many about to be deceived and fall. Now will THE WICKED be revealed, with all power and signs and lying wonders, so that if it were possible the very elect will be deceived – This is the fiery trial which is to try us. – It will be for the purging and purifying of the real members of the body of Jesus; but Oh it will be a fiery trial. Every soul will be shaken to the very centre. The enemy will try to shake in everything we have believed – but the trial of real faith will be found to honour and praise and glory. Nothing but what is of God will stand. The stony-ground hearers will be made manifest – the love of many will wax cold.

I frequently said that night, and often since, now shall the awful sight of a false Christ be seen on this earth, and nothing but the living Christ in us can detect this awful attempt of the enemy to deceive – for it is with all deceivableness of unrighteousness he will work – he will have a counterpart for every part of God’s truth, and an imitation for every work of the Spirit. The Spirit must and will be poured out on the church, that she may be purified and filled with God – and just in proportion as the Spirit of God works, so will he – when our Lord anoints men with power, so will he. This is particularly the nature of the trial, through which those are to pass who will be counted worthy to stand before the Son of man. There will he outward trial too, but ’tis principally temptation. It is brought on by the outpouring of the Spirit, and will just increase in proportion as the Spirit is poured out. The trial of the Church is from Antichrist. It is by being filled with the Spirit that we shall be kept. I frequently said, Oh be filled with the Spirit – have the light of God in you, that you may detect Satan – be full of eyes within -be clay in the hands of the potter -submit to be filled, filled with God. This will build the temple. It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord. This will fit us to enter into the marriage supper of the Lamb. I saw it to be the will of God that all should be filled. But what hindered the real life of God from being received by his people, was their turning from Jesus, who is the way to the Father. They were not entering in by the door. For he is faithful who hath said, by me if any man enters in he shall find pasture. They were bypassing the cross, through which every drop of the Spirit of God flows to us. All power that comes not through the blood of Christ is not of God.

When I say, they are looking from the cross, I feel that there is much in it – they turn from the blood of the Lamb, by which we overcome, and in which our robes are washed and made white. There are low views of God’s holiness, and a ceasing to condemn sin in the flesh, and a looking from him who humbled himself, and made himself of no reputation. Oh! it is needed, much needed at present, a leading back to the cross. I saw that night, and often since, that there will be an outpouring of the Spirit on the body, such as has not been, a baptism of fire, that all the dross may be put away. Oh there must and will be such an indwelling of the living God as has not been – the servants of God sealed in their foreheads – great conformity to Jesus – his holy image seen in His people – just the bride made comely by his comeliness put upon her. This is what we are at present made to pray much for, that speedily we may all be made ready to meet our Lord in the air – and it will be. Jesus wants his bride. His desire is toward us. He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry. Amen and Amen Even so come Lord Jesus.”

I must admit that I post this here with much trepidation because of the evilness and the misleading thoughts that are contained within it. This vision was sent straight from the pit of hell and Satan and has been used to infiltrate God’s “church” with the teachings of men and women that are simply incorrect and extremely misleading. In the short space I have here I will attempt to correct and nullify as much of this awful thing as I possibly can. Again, you need to study this out for yourself and if you don’t or cant, I request you contact me via that Q&A page and allow me the opportunity to teach what I know to you so that you also are not deceived.

As read above, Margaret McDonald was a sick woman. The article states that “MIRACALOUS” healings were being “MANIFESTED” through Margaret and her sister because of what a certain James Campbell, (brother) to them had been doing. It was shortly after these so called miraculous healings that “SPEAKING IN TONGUES” manifested itself. There is no such thing as speaking in an “UNKNOWN “ tongue The ‘TONGUES” that this is based on were on the day of Pentecost in Acts1 forward. The “SPEAKING IN TONGUES” there, if you read it correctly, states that they were tongues of other known languages. The “TONGUE” spoken that day was “CLOVEN” meaning it was distributing itself among them and settling on the head of every person hearing it so that they heard it in their own language and even down to the specific dialect of their native tongue. No interpreters were needed and everyone understood what the Holy Spirit said. It’s really simple just read what the text actually says and you will not find the word unknown in it.  It is or should become quite clear that the people involved in this escapade, especially Darby, are into the flesh. Meaning that they have allowed themselves to go into a trance like state where everything they do is manipulated by the human mind and exhibited in outward posture and speaking what seems to be spiritual things from our Lord when in fact they are evil things from the Devil. I have personally sat and listened for hours to one man in particular speak this way and I did not realize it for years.  When I finally did I asked the Lord to forgive me and I started to search until I found a wonderful teacher that I sat under fo years and still do today. I am not some seminary educated robot that teaches what some other human has told me I have to teach. I am a man that has studied the written word of God for 30 years and Believe that I have the truth as to what it actually says. Do I know it all, by no means, but I do have a secure grasp on it and I believe I can teach the truth of it as good as most anyone alive today, except 2 other men that I know, whose identities will remain anonymous.

As you follow along here and began to see the fierce anger of our Lord began to swell and turn into a raging fire against those that teach this theory. All the while, God states emphatically that He is against those that teach it. He uses the word pillows. What does that mean exactly? It is Strong’s word 3704, Keseth, meaning a covering or a literal pillowcase to cover a pillow or something else that needs to be hidden. These pillow cases cover the outstretched arms of our Father God and prevent those hearing the Rapture Theory message from ever hearing the truth. Those that do this are “hunting” the souls to deceive. It is premediated, it is deliberate and it is just the same as criminal homicide. Exodus 21:12 “He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death” So, what is being hidden here? The truth!!!!!!  The truth is there is no Rapture!!!!!  Often people state that it is the “CHURCH” that is going to be raptured or it is the “church ‘that is named here or there as the recipient of this or that. If you will take the time to examine them, you will find that in almost every case, there is no article for the word “church”. If there is no article, then you interpret it to mean the church. It most likely means a body called the saints and trust me the “CHURCH’ is not filled with saints. In fact the church is filled mostly with misled and misguided well intentioned people that are bound for a rude awakening at the end of this earth age and at the beginning of the millennium. You see, they are taught that Christ is going to return at the sixth trump and fly them away. Thus they believe in and are worshiping the false christ and not the true Christ who will return at the seventh trump. Not a very good place to be in because God does not like those that do this. He will not kill or in any way destroy them but He will cause them to be taught discipline for one thousand years and then at the end of the millennium He will set Satan free for a short time. He will then see who has learned, who will follow Him and who will follow the false christ.

Just exactly where is this anger directed; the preachers, teachers, prophets, and prophetesses?  The sin of teaching the rapture is all inclusive. Some teach this lie because they are ignorant of the truth. Then there are Satan’s little demonic ministers that say with righteousness, YES I AM FROM GOD AND HE HAS GIVEN ME THIS INFORMATION STRAIGHT FROM HIS VERY OWN MOUTH and they go about teaching it deliberately.

My question is, why would anyone want to believe a lie that is recorded as such in the Written Word of God? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NEVER READ IT IN THEIR BIBLE.  They simply believe the false teacher that spoke it to them.

Jer. 4:22 states “My people are foolish, they have not known Me; they are sottish” Strong’s Hebrew word “cakal”, meaning foolish or just a little bit stupid.

The Rapture Theory is very appealing to those that believe it. But one must be sottish to believe it.  They are taught by the “clergy (Remember, they are the ones that said they were from God. They saw a big GP in the sky and believed it to mean go preach and all the time it meant (go plow) Wow, they should have been a farmer instead of shoveling dirt in the face of God.

What are they teaching?  That there is going to be a TRIBULATION the likes of which man has never seen. There will be murder, and mayhem and mass famine and floods and earthquakes and all sorts of different things going on during this TRIBLUATION and that all humans will be affected and suffer and die and get sick and develop boils and all sorts of other maladies that can be conjured up.

Show me where in the bible where it says that God hates His children in a way that He would want to punish them in such a way. You can’t because it is not written. What I read is that if you love God and have served Him with all your heart, body, mind and souls, then He loves you and you are His child and he does not want to punish you. He wants to protect you and that is exactly what He will do. Yes, there will be two tribulations; one by Satan and one by God. The one that Satan directs will be an attempt to try the saints, but what does the Written Word of God say about that? It says that He has told Satan that he cannot harm one single hair on your head. Wow, Satan cannot touch you if you stay under the protection of God.  Now when the first TRIBULATION is over and Satan is locked up for 1000 years in the bottomless pit, God will have His TRIBULATION. And a lot and I mean a lot of humans are going to suffer greatly. Why, because they do not love, nor have they served God so they belong to Satan.  Believe me, they will suffer; it is written.

Satan is going to come to earth claiming to be Christ. But he is not. He is a cheap imitation. BUT!!! He cannot be evil and cause all the turmoil that all these so called preachers say that will make up the SO CALLED TRIBULATION of total catastrophe.

2Thes. 2:3-5 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God”

Now what is this? It says that Satan is pretending to be God in the TRIBULATION! Yes, that’s right!!! The son of perdition is Satan. Satan is the only entity that has been sentenced to death by name. His actual death sentence is stated in Ezekiel 28:13-18. But the clincher is in verse 18 where it states, “therefore I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee”  So, the fire that actually destroys Satan is brought forth by God from Satan’s own body and he is consumed and disappears from existence.

Now this is not what the preachers in the pulpits of America are teaching in their churches. They are teaching that Satan is going to come to earth as the vindictive angel and severely persecute all humans and kill whomsoever he will. BUT, WAIT!!!! There is a twist here!!!! They believe that it is Christ that is returning at the sixth trump, not Satan. That’s why they say He, meaning Christ is going to “Rapture” the church away from all this turmoil. But at that sixth trump. It is not our Lord and Savior that comes, it is Satan as a cheap fabric imitation of our Lord and Savior. Yes he is riding on a white horse and he has a bow around him but if you will study the word used for “bow” there, you will see something that might shock you. Revelation 6:2 states. “And I saw and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him : and he went forth conquering and to conquer” “ The word “bow” here is Strong’s 5115 Toxon, meaning a cheap fabric imitation. The word “crown” Strong’s 4735, (stephanos) here is a wreath of vines woven together to place on the head as in the Olympics. So this bow is not really a weapon as the true bow of Christ is. His Bow is the rainbow and his weapon is His two edged sword of His mouth. The “Logos”, the Word. This cheap woven crown is not the crown of jewels and authority that the true Christ is adorned with. So, this is an imitator, it is the Instead of Christ. It is he that comes at the sixth trump and it is he that persuades millions to follow him because they have been taught by the clergy that he is coming to “Rapture” them away.

Do you believe that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is returning to earth to persecute and kill us?????  NO!!! Why would anyone teach this? We know or should know that the Son of God is not returning to earth to do this. His purpose is for people to love Him and serve Him and follow Him. Satan also will not do this. So that means. Satan is the ultimate imitator and he will imitate everything that Christ will do in order to deceive the so called Christians that have followed and worshiped him as taught by their pastors and teachers.  What these so called men sent by God are teaching an outright lie. You see if you believe and support the Rapture Theory you are supporting the “WRONG” christ!!! You are supporting anti-christ !!!! Mathew 24:40-41 “One will be taken and one will be left” Pastors preach from their pulpits, “I want to be the first one taken”  Yep, that’s right, the first one taken is taken by antichrist, in the so called Rapture, but there is no rapture just smoke and mirrors. The one left is the one that keeps working in the fields and serving the one true Lord and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

So, where are we? The false teachers have taught the Rapture Theory lie until is vastly accepted. It is accepted to the point that most true Rapture Theory believers will fight me tooth and toenail to maintain their belief in it. It’s actually awesome how bravely they fight and they cannot prove a word of what they say. I applaud them for their tenacity. None the less, God says He hates what they do and they will pay for it.

You have read the origins of the Rapture Theory and see clearly that it has no biblical basis and it is totally without any modicum of truth attached to it.

I laid the groundwork for you to read clearly about what Satan does and when and that he is without doubt the great imitator and has no status to stand on whatsoever. You can see without any mote in your eye that only the scripture can hold truth. And possibly you might be able to see that even if you have a hard time reading and understanding the Written Word of God you can always sit under a good teacher and learn from them. I ISSUE A WORD OF CAUTION!!!!! Never ever automatically accept what any man tells you or attempts to teach you. Listen and then do your own research.  Show yourself approved to God.


Ezekiel 13:10 “Because, even because, they have seduced My people saying peace; and there is no peace; and one build up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untampered mortar”

The word “Daubed” in Hebrew means “to smear, especially with lime” Strong’s 2902

Bible teachers and rapture theorists base their beliefs on scripture in 1Thes. 4:15-18. The problem with that is this: The rapture is not the subject there! When people read English they really have to look for the subject of what is being spoken about. There is no subject for the rapture theory. So, what is the subject and where is it? The subject is in verse 13 where it says, “I would that ye be not ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep “ So, the subject here is where are the dead!  Then it goes on to tell you where the dead are. If you believe that Christ died and rose again,(and you had better believe that or you are not a Christian)  even so, them also which are asleep in Him, He will bring with Him. Why? Because they are already with Him. They went there at the moment they died. (2 Cor. 5:8 says, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”) They are not out there somewhere in hole in the ground waiting to be resurrected, they are already resurrected first and they have gone before those still alive and those still alive cannot precede them in getting there. That’s what the “dead in Christ shall rise first” in verse 16, means. THEN, those remaining alive will be caught up, in (the air) in their spiritual bodies.  The spiritual body is (AIR) it is spirit and that word is the Greek word, Pnuma, pronounced “Numa” The Hebrew word for air is Ruach. Both mean virtually the same thing, “breath” or the breath of life, which is the spirit of man. God brethed the breath of life into the nostrils of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:7. And Adam became a living being. So we have our living in Christ or we are not alive. That is why it is stated that Eve is the mother of all living. Either you are alive in Christ or you are not living. It has nothing to do with DNA from 2 parents in the Garden of Eden.

So we are caught up, meaning to gather to Our Lord and Savior in our spiritual bodies in a cloud of a lot of other brothers and sisters and be with the Lord forever and ever. It’s just that simple!

Christ is returning to earth to set up His reign and rule for one thousand years, the millennium. He is returning as His scripture states in Ezekiel 13:20 to “tear these souls from the arms that have entwined them with lies and false teachings of the so called Rapture Theory.

Then He will deal harshly with those that taught these lies and false teachings. I do not want to be in their shoes on that day. I want to be with our Lord standing with Him ready to do His bidding to teach those that followed these false teachers.  We will have one thousand years to teach the discipline of serving the true lord, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

I highly recommend getting MacPherson’s book “The Incredible Cover Up” for further study. It is extremely informative.

Please if you have gained from this writing, ask others to read it and tell others.

Thank You, Pastor Marvin Cape