–  Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9 –

What Happened in Genesis Chapter 1 and 2?


If you read the last lesson, it explained very clearly that there was an earth age before this earth age we currently live in. It ended with Satan and one third of God’s created children rebelling and attempting to take over the throne of God, so that Satan could become god and sit on the throne. This attempt called the “Katabole”, meaning “overthrow” ended the first earth age as God destroyed that age of time and removed His created children away from planet earth to the safety of heaven.  God ended this first earth age by flooding the entire earth with water and then freezing it and turning it upside down and tilting it onto a wobbling axis of 23.5 degrees.

Isaiah 24:1 states: “Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it a waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.

2 Peter 3:5-6 states: “that by the Word of God, the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished”

Thus here we have the explanation of what Genesis 1:2 means. God did not create earth a waste; He caused it to become a waste. It became Tohew, and Bohew, without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

You need to understand here that the darkness on the face of the deep was not just darkness caused by there not being and more sun or moon but because the dark one, Satan, was relegated to the earth and he is utter darkness. Utter darkness is absolute sin and Satan is ultimate sin. Satan committed original sin, not Adam and Eve in the garden.

In verse two it states: “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” This is the beginning of 2 Peter 3:7 where it states: “the heavens and earth which are now” This signifies a new beginning, or actually a renewing of what existed before Satan rebelled  and God destroyed the first earth age. God created the earth perfect. Satan caused it to become defiled and it has remained defiled throughout history. It will be restored to its original glory and absolute perfection at the end of the millennium and the beginning of Eternity. Revelation 21.

Verse three tells us that God said, “let there be light” Now this is not the sun nor the moon, but His light, the light of His Word entering into the darkness and breaking it apart. Because verse four tells us this:  “the light was good and it divided the light from the darkness” His truth divided the lies of Satan from the truth of God.

God saw the light, verse four, “that it was good” He called the light day and the darkness night, verse 5. Light is the light of the world and that is God. Darkness in the darkness of God’s arch enemy, Satan, and it is called night. Satan operates in the realm of darkness and God operates in the light of day. In darkness one cannot see but in light, one can see clearly. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

How long was this first day? Some will tell you it was twenty four hours. But God’s Written Word does not say that. 2 Peter 3:8 tells us, “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” So, the first day and every subsequent day was a thousand years long in the creation event. And so it corresponds to the interpretation of the bible that there will be a one thousand year period of time for every day equivalent to seven days of the existence of this earth age. I.E. it has been six thousand years since God reestablished earth for this earth age; as it is six days.  The seventh day is yet to come and it will be a one thousand year period of time called the millennium.  Then the eight day will be initiated as was the eight day of the creation event in Genesis 2:7.  The number seven means spiritual completeness and the number eight means new beginnings. And a new beginning it will be for that will be the first day of eternity.

In verse 6 God created a firmament that was above the earth like a protecting blanket that watered the earth and kept it safe from storms and the jet stream and such. He called this firmament heaven. He placed some waters above the firmament and some below the firmament. Water above to water the earth and water below to sustain life.

This was the evening and the morning of the second day.

In verses 9-12 God divided the waters under the heaven into the seas and other bodies of water both fresh and salty. And He called what was left after He set to boundaries for the waters, dry land. He declared it was good. He also said to the earth, “bring forth grass and the herb yielding seed, and the fruit trees.

In verse 13 He declared that this was the third day.

Genesis 14-18 God set the lights in the firmament. He made two great lights, one the sun and the other the moon. He set the sun to rule over the day and the moon to rule over the darkness or the night. He set them in the firmament to give light upon the earth. He also set them for heat for the earth. God said “let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years. He is simply setting His calendar for us to use to measure time and the seasons. Here He establishes the seasons and we will always have the seasons without any global warming.

He made the stars also and he declared the evening and the morning the fourth day, verse 19.

He created the fish and the flying fowl and told them to be fruitful and multiply in verses 20- 22. In verse 23 He said it was the fifth day.

On the sixth day, in verses 24-25, God created the cattle and every creeping crawling thing and stated it is good.

In verse 26, God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness” Notice the words Us, and Our are capitalized. This is important! To be capitalized, these words have to be nouns and as such have to be identifiers of something as in a name. Nouns identify people, places and things.  Thus these two nouns identify someone. So, who is that person? What is the subject? MAN is the subject! What man is being spoken of here? It is the man that God is going to create in that man’s image. Our likeness, our image!!!  Who is our? It is you and me. God was speaking to the heavenly host when He said “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness” You and I are the likeness and the image that God created us in. In other words, we look just exactly as we did in our spiritual bodies which God created in the beginning.  There is one slight difference!!! Our bodies here on this earth in this earth age are made of dirt which is called flesh and it is corruptible and prone to death and decay and sickness and disease. Our spiritual bodies are not made of flesh and are not susceptible to rot and disease and decay and sickness. Our flesh bodies are mortal, which means liable to die and our spiritual bodies are immortal and not liable to die except we fall short at the Great White Throne judgment and are sent into hell.

To His newly created human, he gave dominion over the earth and all the dwells upon it and within it.

He created both male and female, meaning a male to fertilize the egg with his sperm in the womb of the woman who is so named because she has a womb which gives her the name womb man or woman.

In verse 28, God blessed the humans He has just created and told them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over it and all the plants and creatures that he created and placed on the earth. You cannot replenish something unless it existed before and was destroyed and is now being reestablished.

In verse 29-30 He states that He has given His newly created human everything they need to survive and He saw that everything that He had made was good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day and it was all good. Meaning He was well pleased with all His work that He had just created.

Chapter 2:

The heavens and the earth were finished. And on the seventh day, God ended His work and rested. He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it He had rested. This seventh day is named the Sabbath Day, The day of rest. But you have to know that the word Sabbath means rest. So the rest is not a day, it is the rest.  What do you rest in?  The Lord. Christ became our Sabbath. 1 Corinthians 5:7, “Christ is our Passover” Hebrews 4:3-10 tells us that God originally set the seventh day as the day of rest. But Christ died as the perfect Passover Lamb and shed His perfect blood for all mankind thus he became our Passover and thus our rest, or our Sabbath.

There are three high Sabbaths in the year. The first is Passover day, which falls on the 15th day after the Vernal Equinox, which always occurs at 13.25 hours of the twentieth day of March. It is the highest Sabbath of the year, thus Christ is our Sabbath. The second highest Sabbath of the year is Pentecost, which occurs on the fiftieth day after Passover. The final high Sabbath of the year is the feast of tabernacles, which falls on the fifth day after the fall equinox, or the first day of fall which is always on September 23rd every year.

Genesis 2:4 tells us that there are Generations of time associated with planet earth because in the beginning when He created it to be inhabited and Satan caused it to become void and without form, there were generations!  This means a lot of time. You cannot have Generations without significant time elapsing. Possibly as much as sixty five million years of time and possibly a lot more.

So, in the beginning, when God created the heaven and the earth, you were there. That was possibly as long as sixty five million years ago!  You were with God in the beginning and you still are with God now as His child and you have never ceased to exist. You will not cease to exist after your human death of the flesh. You will live until you are judged at the Great White Throne judgment and if you are found guilty, you will be cast into the lake of fire and perish forever. If you are found worthy, you will be counted among those that love God and worship Him and you will continue to live on forever. The word Eternity means to live from when you were originally created, never ceasing to exist.

So far, God has created the heaven and the earth; male and female and distributed them across the face of the earth and given unto them dominion over the earth. He has only created hunters and gatherers. He has given to them all that they need to survive and replenish this newly replenished earth.  NO! They are or were not prehistoric cave men and women running around like apes or other animals. They were humans just like you and me. They were to a great extent nomads and travelled across vast stretches of the planet and they learned how to flourish and reproduce and re-populate planet earth. These humans were the sixth day creation and they are the races. So, how many humans did God create on the sixth day? A lot! At least two of every race and I believe several more in order to accomplish His instructions to replenish the earth. Most of these humans would go on to become the heathen and pagan and Gentile nations of the world. They would for the most part forget who God was or is and leave any belief or structure in Him far behind them in history. They would fall into idolatry and superstition and the occult. For you see, there were angels that left their habitation and came to earth and married the daughters of these men and woman and had children by them and they were giants and these angels were supernatural and they taught these humans things that were not to know or understand until God stopped it and forced them to return to heaven where he bound them in chains of darkness until the day of judgment.

Now, I am not speaking of what happened in Genesis chapter six, but what happened long before that event took place. These angels are the reason we have places across this planet like Nazca in South America and why we have numerous places across the world built out of enormous rocks that are impossible to lift or move except by some supernatural power. We have stones of gigantic size that are seemingly cut with lasers and fit so precisely together that one cannot even get a human hair between these stones. The mysteries that are around our planet are astounding and totally unexplainable for scientist and other that are not aware that these angels came here and taught ancient mankind how to do all these things.

When God finished resting on His newly created Sabbath day, He realized that He did not have a farmer to till the soil. He also realized that because of Satan and his angels that have come to earth and taught men supernatural things, that He was going to have to create a man and woman through which he could produce a Savior to save His newly created humans from the death of sin in the flesh.  He needed a man and woman that could remain untainted by the fallen angels. Producing a pure blood line through which the Messiah could come and redeem all mankind.  This would be the perfect Lamb, the perfect sacrifice, the Redeemer, the Savior.

In Genesis 2:7 God created the man Adam. Now the man Adam is a little different from the first man Adam in that he was created special for a specific reason and a specific purpose. If you understand the Hebrew in the original text it lets you see clearly that this Adam is Et Ha Adam, meaning the special man Adam. The word Adam means ruddy complected or able to show blood in the face.

After creating Et Ha Adam, God planted a garden in the east of Eden and there He placed the man Adam. He saw that the man Adam was lonely for human companionship, so He created him a helpmate whose name was woman. Later she was named Eve. She was named Eve because she was the mother of all living. If a human does not live in Christ, they are not living. They are alive physically but dead spiritually.  It is genetically impossible for two humans to produce all the races.  Two ruddy complected humans do not produce an offspring that is black or red or yellow or brown.  This special man and woman that God created and placed in the garden were created to bring forth the Messiah, one named Jesus Christ; who through His life and ultimate death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, would bring about salvation for all mankind that would repent and follow Christ.

This is why God reestablished the earth in this the second earth age; to allow all of His created children the opportunity to repent for what they may have done in the first earth age and choose to follow God and be saved for all eternity.

The rest of Genesis chapter two is about the birth of Cain and Able and the death of Able and establishing who the father of Cain and Able are and just exactly how it plays out it’s roll in the history of mankind and the salvation of all men. This will be the subject of my next lesson.